Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2408: Adam Moson, name the baby

The little boy looked at the pitiful and was thrown into the back seat of the Lamborghini sports car by Sidi.

"You lightly, he will hurt." Yun Jian saw it and hurried out.

"I can't fall." After throwing an innocent-looking little boy into the narrow seat at the back, Si Yi came up and carefully hugged the little girl from Yun Jian's hand, then sat in the driving position first.

Yun Jian froze her red lips. After seeing that the little guy was thrown into the back seat of Lamborghini by Si Yi, he pulled on his clothes without crying or playing, she was relieved, and then walked around the car to the front passenger seat. boarding.

Si Yi carefully placed the little **** her lap, tilted her head and fastened Yun Jian's seat belt carefully, and passed the little girl to Yun Jian.

Yun Jian hugged in his arms.

The little guy in the back seat keeps pinching his clothes, playing, and sometimes puts his finger in his mouth and **** twice.

Sucking his finger for a while, Yunjian turned to his side, reached out and gently patted the little guy's finger sucked in his mouth, and said, "Dirty."

"Scum, scum ..." The little guy was very clever. After listening to Yun Jian's words, he learned Yun Yun's pronunciation for two sentences.

Then the little boy reached out and shoved the little finger into his mouth again, sucked two mouthfuls, and made a squeaking sound.

Seeing this, Yun Jian just wanted to pull his hand out of his mouth, but never thought that the little guy would stretch out the other hand, and learn how Yun Jian just patted his hand, and stretched out his hand. He dropped his hand that was sucking in his mouth, and then made a non-standard voice: "Scum!"

Yunjian: "..."

From the rearview mirror, I saw the little fellow's calmness, the little girl held in Yunjian's arms, and the girl who loved him so much that she didn't love enough. Jun laugh.

The next second, he stepped on the accelerator, and the Lamborghini sports car sped out almost instantly and disappeared at the gate of the military area ...

Ge Jun built a home.

Adam and Moson were dispatched by St.

A great, missionful, and very dangerous mission!

"Oh my god! How do I get this name? It ’s been five months and I have n’t picked a good name yet! Really! Is n’t it difficult for us to be two? It ’s better to just pick the same thing as my stinky kid The name is here! Let's take it, what ghost name can we take out! "

Adam was bored flipping through the heavy Xinhua dictionary in his hand, as well as a lot of "Baby Name Book", "Birthday Five Elements Baby Name Book", "The Best Baby Name Book" and so on.

His head had turned big in the last two days.

"Less the task entrusted to us, say less and do more, must be completed." Mosen opened his mouth to Adam with a stern look.

What Adam said was rolling his eyes again, and then he reached out and turned a page of boring pages to read the pile of books: "Okay! Take your name and your name!"

"I cut a little orange, but it's sweet and delicious. You can eat a little bit and keep busy." At this time, Luo Luo from the kitchen came with a plate of fruit.

"Okay!" Adam's eyes were almost gone when he read the pile of books. When he saw Luoberry coming out with the fruit in his hand, he threw the book aside and ate the fruit first.

Moson is still flipping through books.

Adam, who took a bite of the orange, suddenly said, "Yes, I think of a very nice and domineering name!"

"Huh?" Moson looked up at him.

But he saw Adam speak confidently: "A girl is called Si Niu Niu, and a boy is named Si Wu Di!"

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