Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2391: If she dies me, how can she live

"But if you give up the Witch God, you might have a way of life!

"Give up this woman! Just a woman! As a god, what do you want? A woman! Just die!"

The mysterious person laughed, and the laughter was like remembering something that made him sad. Under a black robe, the dark corners of the eyes that were the only pair of dark eyes exposed on the whole body smiled and flowed out. A line of tears.

After a while, the mysterious man suddenly stopped smiling. He stared fiercely at Si Yi and said, "Give up your woman! You in the high position can't get anything! Women can grab a lot of them!"

"For a woman? Is it worth it! If it wasn't for a woman, would I be reduced to where I am today!"

The voice was almost crazy, and Yun Jian in the distance blinked.

Yun Jian half-covered her stomach, and although she had injected a strong spiritual force into her, only the two-point relief was relieved.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would have passed out already.

Although all the people like Luo Jiajun and Luo Jiachen who stood around couldn't understand what the mysterious people said about the inexplicable words like witch gods and gods, they understood human words, and they were not stupid.

The mysterious person means that as long as Si Yi abandons Yun Jian, there is hope for survival!

From here, it's not hard to hear that, except for the mysterious people themselves, they are surrounded by mysterious people. As long as the mysterious people make an order, the mysterious people's men will shoot at Yunjian!

The mysterious man who took ten thousand times potion in the battle against Syi naturally couldn't save himself to save Yunjian.

Mysterious people will start to deal with Yunjian when they are suddenly!

According to everyone, Yun Jian must have no strength to fight back at this moment.

That intense pain is enough to kill a living person. Yunjian can keep it now and still awake, which is quite good!

If Yun Jian was not killed because of Yun Jian's pregnancy, depending on Yun Jian's strength, the mysterious people's men are estimated to have been hanged.

The mysterious man also liked this and arranged this plan.

If Yiyi gives up Yunjian, then Yiyiyi's strength and safe withdrawal are an easy task.

But if he is distracted to protect Yunyunjian, then sooner or later he will be attacked by the mysterious person, and it will end in a certain death!

Yin! It's overcast!

Even Luo Jiajun and others have realized this.

Luo Jiajun couldn't help but think, if he replaced himself with Si Yi's position, he was afraid he would hesitate severely, should he give up Yunjian?

But just when Luo Jiajun and everyone in the room thought that Si Yi would give up Yun Jian, or even if he didn't give up, he would hesitate for a few seconds before replying to the mysterious person.

Si Yi didn't hesitate for a second, and didn't frown even a brow, then that mellow voice had firmly sounded:

"For her, worth it!

"It's true that there are many women in this world, but in my eyes, she can be called my woman!"

Si Yi didn't even hesitate for a second, after the mysterious man's words fell, he responded suddenly.

Speaking, he stared at the mysterious man with his bloodshot eyes full of rage, and then spoke in the presence of everyone in the presence without hesitation, saying a firm word that everyone in the field couldn't believe.

"Give up her, if she dies, how can I live!"

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