Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2337: Take it away, only you

"Do you really want to participate in the fencing competition?" The boy glanced at Yun Jian more, he took a deep mouthful of water, and then repeated the question.

"Write." However, Yun Jian, who was standing in front of the boy, didn't directly reply to the boy's words, but made a simple and plain voice.

Xu Shiyun's eyes were too shocking. The boy trembled after hearing it, and then the boy didn't dare to ask more. As soon as he moved the pen, he wrote the name and class of Yunjian.

The boy also secretly slandered in his heart. The girl looks thin and weak. Is it serious to come to the fencing competition?

But this sentence, the boys at most defamated in the heart, did not say the words.

After Yun Jian declared his name, he went out on the same piece of Luo Jiachen.

Just now halfway through, I met Luo Jiajun, Hong Ling, Wei Ze and Wei Min.

Seeing Yun Jian, Luo Jiajun's eyes flashed a surprise.

But just didn't show it on the face.

Luo Jiajun stopped Yun Jian and asked, "Wei Lin, come with Jiachen to sign up?"

Subconsciously, Luo Jiajun thought that Yun Jian could not come here to sign up for a fencing competition.

She is just a girl.

"No no no! Brother, I accompanied her to sign up, and by the way gave me a name." Luo Jiachen heard Luo Jiajun's words and quickly explained.

"You want to sign up for the fencing competition!" After hearing Luo Jiachen's words, Yun Jian's nominal elder brother Wei Ze asked for a moment.

"Why not?" After listening to Wei Ze's questioning sound, Yun Jian frowned, and made a cold voice.

"You have to come forward to participate in the fencing competition. If you can win, it will be nothing, but you will lose. That is the face of our Wei family! So please hurry me out of the fencing competition! Give me the quota now!"

Wei Ze refused to order, Yun Jian refused.

Having said that, Wei Ze, who thinks that Yun Jian's elder brother, reached out and wanted to grab Yun Jian's hand, dragged Yun Jian to the place where the fencing department had just registered, and forced Yun Jian to cross the quota.

I didn't know that Wei Ze wanted to reach out and grab Yun Jian's hand and forcibly drag someone's hand. Before this hand touched Yun Jian, Yun Jian sideways avoided Wei Ze's extended hand.

Suddenly, everyone present heard Yun Jian's extremely cold sound, spreading coldly throughout the audience like minus degrees Celsius: "So, are you ordering me?"

"Wei! Lin, Liner, my brother is thinking for you! You can't be so willful! You said that you have been separated for ten years, where did you learn fencing before! You have n’t even participated in family training. .....

"So, how can you compete with someone who has the ability? Let's go ..."

Wei Min almost wanted to kill Yun Jian directly, so she almost lost control in front of everyone, and rushed to speak with a bad tone, but fortunately she stopped in time.

However, before Wei Min said this, everyone felt and thought that Yun Jian should be aware of his mistake.

But I saw a few people shaking a figure in front of them.

Yun Jian in front of him flashed from several people in front of Wei Ze with lightning fast speed.

Wei Ze was shocked! He quickly turned and reached out.

But Wei Ze's reaction speed was so fast, he immediately stretched out his hand and was subdued by Yun Jian with his arm.

The next second, he saw Yun Jian grabbing his bones and joints and hit them twice.

Wei Ze was shocked that his hand was knocked by Yun Jian as if he had been hit in the acupuncture point.

what's going on! What kind of skill is this!

Before waiting for Wei Ze's reaction, Yun Jian had released Wei Ze's hand, kicked Wei Ze's back waist from the back of Wei Ze, and walked Wei Zeyu forward for several steps before he stabilized. Live pace.

This scene uproared the audience.

However, the few people present here met Yun Jian for the first time and were frightened by Yun Jian's fast, accurate, and fierce speed. At that moment, they heard Yun Jian's words sound again. The insane meaning of Zhang:

"You can't hold anything with both hands until the end of the game.

"Hand, I take it.

"I don't kill you, but remember it to me. Those who dare to order me are not the only one in this world.

"But the person who ordered me without being killed by me is really only you, my‘ good brother ’!”

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