Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2086: She Yunjian is myth legend

Zhang Zhifan's words were calm and smooth at the exit, and spread to the cochlea of ​​all the people present. It was as simple as asking "Did you eat today?"

But the simple words gave people a sense of horror.

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Wu Zhizhi, who was still staring at Yun Jian, froze.

New start company?

The children were just taken away by African leopards and others, and everyone in the room didn't think much about it. Why did Celadon and Zhang Zhifan appear so here?

But now it seems ...

"You must be the current president of Xinqi, Mr. Zhang Zhifan !?"

Mu Yan looked at Zhang Zhifan with a look of astonishment and surprise, and slowly turned this surprised face into a deep worship.

Zhang Zhifan then pulled the red collar in front of his suit. After hearing Mu Yan's words, Zhang Zhifan turned his head and glanced at Mu Yan.

Then in front of everyone present, Zhang Zhifan nodded his head toward Mu Yan:


Every move, every word and deed, is full of the elegant elegance of the high society.

Now Zhang Zhifan has done his job as President of Xinqi Company.

Outsiders can't see Zhang Zhifan as a bastard.

Because of this, Zhang Zhifan was able to promote today's Xin Kai company to foreign countries.

"Oh my God, you are really Zhang Zhifan, president of Xinqi? Although I have never seen a picture of you, I have always regarded you as my most respected person!

"I heard that in the past two years, the means of going up in the mall has left your peers far, even in just one year, on the national stage, and then only took two years to board the international stage!

"We are all proud of you! See you as our role model! I didn't expect to meet you here today, I'm really excited ..."

Mu Yan stood in front of Zhang Zhifan excitedly, just like a person standing in front of an idol. He couldn't be excited by himself.

Zhang Zhifan didn't expect someone to worship himself so much, and after hearing it, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Why am I terrible? Haha, in fact, Xinqi's company can have today. It's all thanks to Sister Jie. I, on the face of it, look so powerful, but Sister Jie is the real business elite!"

Zhang Zhifan scratched his head, laughed twice, then said.

The surrounding people have not returned to God until now.

From the side of Zhang Zhifan who just revealed the identity of the chairman of Yunjian Xinqi Company, everyone present was instantly surprised and unbelievable.

The chairman of the mysterious Xinqi company is actually an 18-year-old girl!

"My God! Then that Yunjian is the chairman of Xinqi Company, she should be a Xinqi company founded by a few years old!" Miss Liang Xiumin all exclaimed with an astonished voice.

This gap is too big, right?

Their ordinary college students, until now, have no money and still reach out to their homes.

What about Yunjian?

Did she run a company when she was in junior high school?

Now that I'm in college, everyone's company has officially operated on an international platform! ?

Wu Zhizhi's eyes were sulking and glaring, her face was so dark, but then Wu Zhizhi chose to be silent.

That look is not ordinary ugly.

It was as if I had despised a person at first, but the person flew up to the sky and looked down at her.

Compared to Xinqi, Wu Zhizhi's father's business is not even fart.

And Wu Zhizhi had said all kinds of ridicules before, so Wu Zhizhi was ashamed at the moment.

However, the crit is not over.

After Zhang Zhifan listened to Liang Xiumin's words, his thoughts turned back to the original. He laughed twice, and then hesitated in front of everyone:

"At the age of fifteen, Jian Jian found us who were down and living at the bottom of the society. She said that she wanted to start an automobile marketing company. Although I was surprised at first, we followed Yun Jian!

"In fact, Xinqi Company can go international, thanks to Jianjie! Many of the world's top people that Jianjie knows can't even count their fingers. The main thing is that those people still obey Jianjie's words.

"No, I talked to those people in the name of Sister Jian, and everything went smoothly!

"These people have said the most about the comment on sister Jian, and I also agree very much, that is ...

"She, Yunjian, is a legend that will never be defeated!"

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