Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2030: Oolong game, protect you well

How much money he pays ...

Is this man a rich second generation?

So rich?

What Dr. Jiang said was all about a theme.

She thought that Yun Jian and Si Yi were both college students, so young that they wanted to bring children?

Of course, it's okay to be young and have children.

But now students like Yunjian and Seti are still children and are still in college. The normal source of financial expenses for normal college students depends on their parents. They earn nothing but earn a little money.

To know that raising children, the most important thing is money.

Milk powder, clothes, baby supplies, etc., which do not require money?

Raising a child from a young age is not only costly, but also physically and mentally exhausted.

Of course, money is the most important fundamental.

Not to mention that Dr. Jiang is superficial, that is the fact. Without money, you can do nothing, let alone raise children.

However, this interpretation made Dr. Jiang and the couple sitting opposite Dr. Jiang a little shocked.

As long as Yunjian and the child's health can be guaranteed, how much does it cost?

After thinking about it, if Si Yi was a rich second generation and had a father who had too much money, his girlfriend was pregnant and it was not that rare to be born.

Maybe the rich second generation just wants to find a girl to have a child, and doesn't want to marry another girl into the house?

Dr. Jiang shook her head, no longer thinking about it, and she prescribed some birth control pills for Yun Jian in her notebook.

In 2002, in this era, doctors in hospitals did not prescribe medicines as high-tech as they do now. Now, as long as the prescriptions are entered in the computer, people can directly hold the visit card and swipe the card.

Prescription medicine in this era was written by the doctor in the hospital consultation book, and then the patient took it to the cashier to pay for the medicine.

After prescribing the medicine, Dr. Jiang urged Si Yi to pay attention to some matters that pregnant women should pay attention to, and then handed the book to the doctor.

"In the first three months of pregnancy, remember that you can't do sex, otherwise it will most likely cause miscarriage, and after four months, don't be too frequent ..."

Every sentence Dr. Jiang said, she remembered clearly.

This is a big thing about his family's note and the health of his children, so he must listen carefully.

However, when both Si Yi and Yun Jian listened to it in great detail, they had begun to look forward to the arrival of the child.

A medical staff rushed in at the door.

The medical staff rushed into Dr. Jiang's outpatient room, and the person holding a stack of data sheets shouted to Dr. Jiang in fright:

"Dr. Jiang, Dr. Jiang, you got it wrong! Just got it wrong! The female college student named Yun Jian is not pregnant! It is confused with the data of another female college student! It is another female college student who is pregnant! "

With this sound, Yun Jian and Si Yi's eyes flashed deeply.

Not pregnant?

"What's the matter?" Dr. Jiang was also startled, and then Dr. Jiang stood up and asked ...

Fifteen minutes later, Dr. Jiang apologized to Yun Jian and Si Yi, bowing deeply, saying that the data of the B ultrasound machine and a college girl not long ago had been confused.

It wasn't Yun Jian who was pregnant, but another college girl.

Yun Jian, who knew the news, was slightly lost, but was relieved.

After all, being a mother of a child is too sudden.

It is the wisest choice to meet your child when you are ready.

Si Yi frowned. He looked at Dr. Jiang side by side and repeated: "Not pregnant?"

"Yes, your girlfriend is not pregnant." Doctor Jiang nodded.

Originally, I thought that Shi Yi was really good for Yun Jian, so she said that Yun Jian gave birth to children.

But Dr. Jiang looked at the present expression, but he had the enthusiasm to kill.

Could it be that he is a rich second-generation and wants his girlfriend to have a baby for himself, now that he knows that his girlfriend is not pregnant, and is going to explode?

Dr. Jiang sighed.

In the future, this girl named Yun Jian is expected to fall out of favor with men, right?

However, at the moment Dr. Jiang thought so, Sidi embraced Yunjian with arms, and he asked her to put her head on her chest, facing Dr. Yunjianrou in front of Dr. Jiang and the medical staff just now Channel:

"Small note, no matter if you are pregnant with a child, I will protect you with my life!"

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