Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2028: Si Yi asked the doctor

Confirmation of pregnancy, these four words are very eye-catching.

When Si Yi saw these four words, those deep black eyes followed a fierce and fierce jump.

Is his note pregnant?

He has children!

"Small note, do you feel uncomfortable now? Are you sick?"

After reading the pregnancy checklist, Si Yi directly stuffed the pregnancy checklist into his trouser pocket, carefully watching the national treasure, and grabbing Yun Jian's thin waist.

"Did she kick you?" Si Yi placed her other hand in front of Yun Jian's belly, and stroked it twice. The handsome face that was so beautiful and so indignant, but extremely indifferent, showed for the first time. Surprise smile.

"It's only been more than a month, shouldn't there be a human figure yet?" Yun Jian blinked.

Don't say that Sidi really knows nothing about these.

Even thought the child would kick the mother's belly as soon as she was pregnant.

At that time, Yun Jian was about to go outside the hospital gate.

At the moment when he was going down the stairs, Si Yi simply held the Yunjian horizontally and turned to walk to the gynecology ...

When Yun Jian's face turned red, it looked like a red apple. This is the expression that will only be revealed in front of Si Yi.

"Where are we going ..." Yun Jian saw Si Yi holding herself back to gynecology, her eyes moved slightly, for no reason.

"Go ask the doctor how to conceive." Stee can be considered a little clue, but for her, he is willing to learn.

"I can walk by myself." Being embraced by Si Yi, walking among the people in the hospital, Yun Jian blinked and made a noise.

At that time, passersby who passed Yun Jian and Si Yi all glanced at Yun Jian and Si Yi with Yu Guang.

day! Two little lovers play princess hug brightly!

Passers-by, 100%!

Ke Siyi didn't care about all this. He was holding Yunjian, his face was not red and his heart wasn't beating, and he went to the gynecology department normally ...

Jiangcheng People's Hospital, Gynecology Clinic.

The gynecologist attends the female doctor. Dr. Jiang is holding a hot cup of tea, taking a sip, and is at the clinic for a couple in front of her.

"The child is six months old and is developing very well. Next time I will come back for a B-ultrasound. The child will come back in August."

Dr. Jiang took detailed notes with a black pen to a couple in front of him, and then told the couple, the husband of the pregnant woman.

"Yes, yes! Thank you doctor! Thank you doctor!" The pregnant woman's husband bowed excitedly to Dr. Jiang.

"You're welcome. Remember to bring this book with you next time." Doctor Jiang handed the book that was registered to the pregnant woman's husband.

Dr. Jiang just passed the registered book to the pregnant woman's husband, and saw Sidi, who was holding the Yunjian from outside the clinic.

Yun Jian had just been pregnant with Dr. Jiang.

Dr. Jiang looked at Yun Jian as young and beautiful, but was pregnant with the child. The child's father didn't come with him.

This good little girl really doesn't know what scum was ruined.

Therefore, at this moment, when Dr. Si Yi came in from the door holding Yun Jian, Dr. Jiang had a momentary nagging.

What happened?

Wasn't he spoiled by distractions?

"You came back to be a streamer? You are young, and you need to take measures in the future. Do n’t wait until you are pregnant to realize that you are afraid. You will not be able to conceive after too many streamers! Well, the young guy now ...

"What's the date of your abortion plan? I'll arrange it for you."

Dr. Jiang shook his head, picked up his black pen, and wanted to set Yun Jian's birth date.

Of the college students she's met, nine out of ten are girls who secretly give birth, and of course there are also boyfriends accompanying her to give birth.

Even in one year alone, there are many girls who give birth three or four times.

Dr. Jiang has seen more.

The couple next to him listened to Dr. Jiang's words and glanced at Yun Jian and Si Yi with strange eyes.

However, after seeing Si Yi put Yun Jian down, he held Yun Jian in his arms like Hu Bao.

The moment Dr. Jiang wanted to register the date of the abortion, Si Yi's eyes flashed, he bluntly said, "You are a doctor, tell me how to conceive."

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