Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 195: Okay, choose clothes

For some reason, when Yun Jian heard that Lu Haoze's deceased family member was the same as herself using hypnotism, she suddenly remembered the elders who had taught her skills in previous lives.

The old man, she didn't actually know what his name was, where he came from, and where he is now.

This incident has actually passed many years. When she met the old man in the previous life, she was only ten years old.

At ten, she accidentally saved his life.

In the next two years, the old man taught Yun Jian his entire life.

However, he disappeared.

But in Yun Jian's heart, this old man is like the enlightenment mentor of her life.

Maybe without this old man, she could not achieve her present achievement in her previous life.

"Do you know where your elder deceased is now?" Yun Jian raised an eyebrow. Although the tone of her question was as plain as usual, her heart had rolled like Yun Yu.

She suspected that the old friend of the Lu Haozhe family was the old man!

"I ..." Lu Haoze said slowly in Yunjian's expectation, and finally he just shook his head apologetically and lowered his head, "I don't know ..."

Yun Jian's bright eyes also dimmed.

She did not use her forces to find the old man in her previous life, but the old man disappeared as if she had never appeared in this world, without any hint.

"But the elders of our family may know something." Lu Haoze's next sentence gave Yun Jian a new hope.

"Really?" Yun Jian asked, staring at Lu Haoze's childish face.

Lu Haoze's face turned red again, and he ducked and said, "Truly, really ... If you want to know, I can take you to see the elders of our family, but now he is in the countryside I wo n’t be able to come back for a while. When he comes back, I will find you and look for him again ... "

"Okay, that's it."

Yun Jian narrowed her eyes, and then she lifted her eyebrows and looked at Lu Haoze with a smile. Then she continued to introduce herself: "Now formally introduce myself, my name is Yun Jian, a student in Class 3a of Longmen No.1 Middle School. After your elders return , You can come to our school directly to find me. "

Lu Haoze nodded sternly again, which was a promise.

What a shy kid. Yun Jian touched his jaw, and couldn't help sighing secretly.

Although Lu Haoze is older than Yun Jian, Yun Jian treats him as a younger brother.


So after a while, these days Yunjian rested at home for a few days.

She was informed that the storefront where Zhang Zhifan had arranged decoration had come to an end.

This is much faster than planned.

When the store is officially arranged, Yunjian intends to start officially selling imported vehicles.

In the next few days, as long as Yunjian is on vacation, she has been training in the military training camp. This weekend is also rare. Yunjian is ready to accompany Qin Yirou to the streets to add some winter clothing or cotton shoes.

The clothes worn by Qin Yirou were old and unsuitable. I didn't know how many years I had worn them, and even the color of the clothes faded.

Yun Jian claimed that she would go outside to work as a casual worker these days. She said that she wanted to better understand life.

He also claimed that he had been paid, and he had taken Qin Yirou to a clothing store where the price was high but the clothes were of good quality to choose clothes.

And she threatened to get her first salary and decided to buy a decent dress for her.

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