Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1793: Ge Junjian, classmate party

Xu Nina never dreamed that Yun Jian had a knife with her!

And Yun Jian is dressed neatly all over her body, just like ordinary people. How did she hide that butterfly knife?

And according to Yun Jian's rapid hand speed just now, she should not be an ordinary person!

Since Xu Nina is a university classmate with Ge Junjian, then it is certain that Xu Nina was also a military academy before.

Xu Nina majored in military medicine.

But then after meeting her current ex-husband, she followed and left without studying.

But after all studying at a military academy, Xu Nina knew very well how frightening Yun Jian took the knife and put the butterfly knife holder on her neck!

This is even more serious than the male students who attend serious military colleges!

So Xu Nina was so frightened that her legs were weak. She couldn't control it, and she knelt down to Yun Jian directly.

Xu Nina's son, Xu Liao, saw that his mother was being held by Yun Jian with a knife. Instead of rushing up, he tore off and grabbed Xu Nina's hand, and ran for ten meters. Dare to come and save people.

Seeing this, Yun Jian was sneer.

Ge Junjian didn't say anything intentionally. When Xu Nina was so scared that she started to turn pale and sweated on her forehead, Ge Junjian laughed, pretending to reprimand Yun Jian with an elder tone:

"Okay, don't bother! Dad will invite a few college students to dinner later!"

It was obviously unrealistic to kill Xu Nina, after all, this is a society ruled by law.

Ge Junjian also saw that Yun Jian was scaring Xu Nina at best.

After all, a woman like Xu Nina would dare to come to his house next time if she wasn't scared.

After listening to what Ge Junjian said, Yun Jian took a cold arc and received the butterfly knife, but kicked Xu Nina's abdomen with one foot and fell Xu Nina directly to the ground.

"For my dad's sake, don't spend the money on the coffin."

Yun Jian turned around casually, and her flowing hair brushed Xu Nina forward, making Xu Nina frightened for a long time from the fright just now.

"My girl-in-law is in a military academy and you are like a boy. You have also been in a military academy. You know that we are soldiers. You have a lot of strength, haha, don't look strange!"

Ge Junjian took Qin Yirou's hand and stood just ten meters away from Xu Nina in this way. She had no intention of walking over to help Xu Nina.

And he took Qin Yirou's hand. Qin Yirou didn't walk over to help Xu Nina, Xu Nina was embarrassed to say anything.

This one can leave Xu Nina angry with myocardial infarction.

But Xu Nina can't say anything, even her son Xu Liao just hid away!

Twenty minutes later, walking from Ge Junjian's home, the group came to the Xinjia Hotel.

Xinjia Grand Hotel has been in Longmen City for three or four years. The response of Xinjia Grand Hotel is very good and very popular.

That's because the Xinjia Family Hotel can know the taste of its dishes by listening to the name, which is biased towards the general public.

Big bosses also like to set their meeting place here.

Because the price is not particularly expensive, ordinary people want to treat guests, and the extravagant ones will also place the gathering place here.

The decoration of the New Family Hotel is very good. As soon as Yunjian and Ge Junjian walked in, they saw a line of men and women about the same size as Ge Junjian.

These men and women, about the same size as Ge Junjian, are definitely Ge Junjian's college classmates.

And these middle-aged men or women about the same size as Ge Junjian also followed some young men or girls about the same size as Yun Jian.

Obviously, these people are the children of Ge Junjian's classmates.

At large gatherings like this, many parents bring their children with them.

Especially in 1999, the standard of living of the people at this time was not high. Usually, when there was a party and someone invited guests, they were all sent by the whole family.

After all, at this time, you can't eat meat several times a year.

Where is it like now, if you want to eat meat? Can't live at home? That would starve to death!

Today, because it was Ge Junjian's hospitality, this large group of people stood outside waiting, and when Ge Junjian came, a large group of people surrounded the past.

"Our officer Ge is here! Haha! Army building, I haven't seen you for a few years. How have you been recently?"

A big-bellied man touched his beer belly, and rushed to Ge Junjian to speak politely.

Holding Qin Yirou's hand, Ge Junjian laughed and said, "Very good! Come here, everyone will go upstairs! It's late today, everyone is hungry!"

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