Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1785: Luoberry is leaving, cyan glaze keeps

It is naturally impossible to restore all the memories of being a witch **** overnight.

Shen Wei is just an ordinary person. He can make this potion, which is already very powerful.

Yun Jian was not afraid that Shen Wei lied to her. Shen Wei had known Yun Jian's identity for a long time. For a deceiving person, Yun Jian could see it from the other person's eyes.

"Then I will send someone to take the potion in two days. It will probably take a month or two, because I have to prepare the potion ..." Shen Wei said in a loud voice.

"Um." Yun Jian nodded.

As long as you can restore the original memory, time is not a problem

After everything was resolved, Yunjian returned to Longmen City.

I originally expected to spend one month in Nancheng, Jiangxi Province. Unexpectedly, I spent only three or four days in Nancheng, Jiangxi Province.

After mid-October, the weather has gradually begun to turn cold, and people wearing thin short-sleeved shorts in the summer have gradually put on their jackets and trousers.

In the evening, the weather became completely cold, especially tonight, the temperature of the weather dropped to the same level as in winter.

"Huh, it's so cold. This ghost weather, I said little strawberry, don't go back, why go back to school, or stay with us!" Qing Glaze rubbed her hands by the stove, right Luo Raspberry said.

Celadon was equipped with air-conditioning at home, but it has broken in the past two days. It happened that the weather was neither hot nor cold, the temperature was just moderate, and Celadon was too lazy to repair.

Unexpectedly, today's temperature will suddenly drop to single digits. The day after mid-October, it is getting colder and colder.

In the southernmost province of Zhejiang, the temperature difference between summer and winter was already large, and today the temperature dropped sharply. Celadon was too lazy to stretch out a hand, let alone repair the air conditioner.

"Sister Jian, right? I said let strawberry stay with us for a few more days! Go back to school so early to do it! Can I take you to school to play electric games, race cars and mahjong?"

Seeing that Luoberry didn't say a word, Celadon sat lazily on the sofa with his head on his side, and put his hands behind the cushions of the sofa.

"Um." Yun Jian responded softly to the glaze, but didn't open his eyes.

After Leng Mei was taken away by Emperor Lin, the Celadon family finally remained quiet for a while, but it didn't take long for Lansu to return, and the Celadon family was noisy again.

However, since returning from Nancheng, Jiangxi Province last time, Lan Su has been taken away by Adam.

At this point, Celadon's family left Celadon and Gu Nian alone to live together.

Of course, the last sentence was imagination, because Luoberry hasn't left yet, but Luoberry intends to go home today, then the next day, it is really glazed and Gu Nian embracing alone.

"I'll go home ..." Luoberry said for a while, then said it again.

She hasn't seen Mosen here for several days. Maybe he doesn't want to see her?

She's such a stupid person ...

Last time he was almost defiled by his cousin, and he happened to be seen ...

"Oh, little strawberry, I said you do n’t think so, and you want to go back to school and be abused! Do n’t go! Stay with your sister covering you!" Celadon shrunk into a circle, but she still did n’t forget to save Liuluo Berry.

Just then, the door of the Celadon House opened.

Today is Saturday, so Yun Jian looked up and saw his brother Yun Yi coming in from the door.

After entering the door, Yun Yi saw the blue glaze froze in a circle to warm up by the stove, and was too lazy to go back to his bedroom and hold a quilt to cover it. After having a long love relationship with the blue glaze, Yun Yi also knew the blue glaze. habit.

Sometimes the blue glaze is really frozen, and I can't bother to take a few steps back to my bedroom with a quilt and cover it.

So Yun Yi quickly walked to the blue glaze bedroom and took out her quilt to cover the blue glaze. She couldn't stop saying two words:

"Stupid, Leng Cheng won't take a few steps back to the bedroom to get a quilt like this!"

"I'm lazy. I didn't know you'd come to help me get it." Qinglan murmured at Yunyi and said likely.

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