Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1779: Lost pastries, not blades

The Lan family, Mo family and Zhu family have the highest status. The Mo family is second only to the Lan family because it has a Moxi Ling.

Although the Zhu family has a lower status than the Lan family and the Mo family, the status of the Zhu family is also the entire prom venue. Among all the families, the third family is ranked!

As the future heir of the Zhu family, in addition to a Mo Xiling, Zhu Bufan is undoubtedly the ideal object in the minds of many girls.

But just now, Zhu Bufan, an ideal object in the minds of many girls, has the ability to be the most outstanding one among the young people, except Mo Xiling!

The same is the school grass of the Dark Aristocrat College, who is in a superior position, was actually described by Yun Jian as inferior to her?

Just that Yun Jian refused to dance with Zhu Bufan, it was enough to surprise everyone.

Who is Zhu Bufan? He is the curator of the Dark Noble Academy! Other girls are eager to have a relationship with Zhu Bufan, and this girl is!

She actually refused to dance with Zhu Bufan!

This is okay, but she still said, Zhu Bufan is a waste?

You must know that besides Mo's genius boy Mo Xiling, Zhu Bufan is the strongest in this young generation!

"What? Who are you talking about?" Even Zhu Bufan didn't understand himself before asking.

"Of course it is you."

Yun Jian sneered, she stood at the long table next to the party, and lazily picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the long table. When she dropped it in the sky, she dropped one of her mouth along the arc. In your mouth.

Dancing at a masquerade is better than eating a few pieces of pastry.

"You actually say that Brother Bufan is waste? I think you are waste! Shame on you! How can there be such a shameless woman in this world!"

After listening to Yun Jian's words, I never took the chance to say that Yun Bi's Lan Biqing had stunned God, and shouted at Yun Jian in front of everyone.

"Excessive." Even Mo Xiling, who had not spoken, frowned and said something like this.

Mo Xiling's words seemed to be sacred to the girls.

"Yeah! How can you be so excessive! Ling Shao said you are excessive!"

"How can such girls be invited to a masquerade tonight! Get out of here quickly! We don't welcome you!"

"Just! You are not welcome here! Get out of here!"

Many girls yelled in unison in the immediate surroundings.

Mo Xiling has always been self-proclaimed because of his high strength. Because of his excellent strength, he hardly speaks very much, giving a feeling of being high above him and difficult to relate to.

"How can you be so annoying as a girl! Everyone is not welcome! You leave here quickly!" Lan Biqing saw this, and stood up and talked a lot.

"She just said a word, how can you do that!" After hearing this, Shen Bi couldn't help but stand up and say a word for Yun Jian.

As soon as Shen Bi had finished speaking, Lan Biqing, including the surrounding girls, bombarded Shen Bi with words.

"Who are you, huh, huh, and speak for her! It's awesome! Let's get us out of the party together!"

Among these girls, I don't know who took the lead, and Shen Bi, who helped Lan Biqing to help Yun Jian, also cursed.

The cursing sound of a group of people present was extremely loud and hard to hear when it was unacceptable.

Yun Jian frowned slightly.

"You guys, it's very noisy." Yun Jian hooked the arc, calm words came from her mouth.

"That's not because you are too much! You say that our ordinary people are waste, you are the waste! You ..."

When these girls heard it, they became more energetic.

As the girls chattered with their mouths open, Yun Jian, who was stroking the pastry table, suddenly stretched out his hands to pick up a dozen pieces of pastry on the table, and flew the pastry out in front of everyone.

These dozens of cakes flew to a dozen places at a speed that could be clearly seen under the eyes of everyone, but in the presence of everyone, they blocked the mouths of a dozen girls standing at different angles!

All sounds stop instantly!

Seeing this, Mo Xiling and Zhu Bufan, including everyone present, were surprised to widen their pupils!

But listening to Yun Jian's voice, Leng Yan rang: "You should be fortunate that I lost the pastry, not the blade, thank you."

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