Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1773: Stuart his, little plans

As soon as Yun Jian's words fell, Father Leng had eyes like despair or frustration, flashing the dawn of hope in an instant.

The mother-in-law was prepared early in the morning. The third wife of Leng's family got bigger and bigger, and she could give birth at any time. Leng's family prepared the best mother-in-law early in the morning.

Hospital technology and equipment in this era are generally not particularly developed, and normal pregnant women are fine. In case of a difficult labor, the chances of survival are almost slim!

Of course, the chance of difficult delivery is still relatively small, only about 20%.

If it is now, if you have difficulty giving birth, you can immediately go to the hospital for a cesarean section. Although there will be scars on the abdomen after delivery, it is better than worrying about life.

In 1999, even in the era of cesarean delivery, few hospitals implemented it.

After all, the technique of Caesarean section at this time is not particularly in place. If you are not careful, it is likely that you will die two lives. The hospital naturally dare not try it easily.

Therefore, in this era, if it is difficult to give birth, unless you choose a cesarean section that has no chance of success, the chances of survival are really poor.

And even if you have a caesarean section, you usually have to go to a regular large hospital.

Obviously at this juncture, the situation of the three ladies is no longer allowed to drag.

As soon as Yun Jian's voice fell, Father Leng's eyes lit up again.

He knew that as Yun Wuji, Yun Jian could never say what he was not sure about!

"Yo! Do you want to take a human life as a show!" Just now a crow's mouth really cursed the third lady's dystocia, Xing Lengliang, and now he heard Yun Jian's words, and then he became confused again.

Since Yun Jian appeared for the first time, Mr. Leng invited him to the main seat. Xing Leng Leng hated Yun Jian very much.

The main seat of the Leng family can only sit up! Even her old lady, Leng Xing Leng Leng, never sat there!

Yun Jian, an outsider, why not!

"Sister of Death! We all believe in you! You have rescued my brother! Mrs. Three treats me well, you must rescue her!"

Shen Bi looked at Yunjian at this moment, and she folded her hands, looking at Yunjian's exit with begging eyes.

"She saved your brother Shen Shaocheng? Didn't your brother already ..." Announcing his death! Leng Yizhang stared at Shen Bi with his eyes widened, and asked in amazement.

"Brother is now in the recovery period." Shen Bi was asked by Leng Yi, and his cheeks rose rosy.

"Live? She saved it !?"

Xing Lengliang was still holding her chest. She didn't stop Yun Jian from saving people just now, but she made a symbolic opening to ridicule Yun Jian for a sentence or two.

It's okay for the third lady to have an accident with the baby in her belly! It's good to die! Xing Leng Leng didn't care about the life and death of Mrs.

At this moment, after listening to the words of Shen Bi and Leng Yizheng, Xing Lenglian's complexion froze slightly, apparently being frightened.

This dead person can survive, is it true?

"Prepare a set of surgical equipment for me, and perform a laparotomy immediately." At this time, Yun Jian ignored anyone, and she went straight to the delivery room, saying this calmly.

With the power of Lengjia, it is not difficult to get these tools.

Si Yi stood in place, watching Yun Jian enter the delivery room, and his eyes were full of soft light.

In the future, his family was pregnant with his baby. From the day he was pregnant with his baby, he must have picked up the world ’s best midwife and gave birth at any time! Never allow the slightest danger!

At this moment, the world's best midwives do not know that they are being watched!

And the person who stared at them would arrest them at home on the first day when their woman was pregnant.

When this group of doctors know that this person is actually doing this, one by one is like eating shit.

Brother, everyone is a doctor who is ready to deliver when the due date is approaching. How can you prepare the doctors on the first day of your daughter's pregnancy!

Of course, all of this is an afterword.

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