Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1770: Married, married woman

Yun Jian's eyes narrowed for a moment. She didn't say much, but put three textbooks into her schoolbag neatly, then pulled the zipper and walked to Shen Bi.

"Sister of Death, do you pack so fast? I saw you and took three textbooks back. Did you finish all the assignments assigned by the teacher?"

Shen Bi, finishing her workbook, asked Yun Jian aside.

The students of Meteor Noble Academy are all rich children. Few of the whole school came in with good academic performance.

And the rich children of the Meteor Noble Academy never wrote homework, and the teacher couldn't help it.

I did n’t even take homework books like Shen Bi and Yun Jian.

"Um." Yun Jian faintly replied to Shen Bi.

"Today's homework problem is difficult, you have already written the death sister!" As long as you talk about your homework, even if your favorite Leng Yizheng comes, you can't pay attention. Shen Bi is such a good student who loves to learn.

"It's not difficult. If you don't understand, I can teach you." Yun Jian's red arc ticked, she said quietly.

"Okay, okay!" Shen Bi paused at this moment and was busy organizing the homework book to take home, and nodded suddenly towards Yunjian.

The three people, Leng Yiyu, who were ignored, crossed a long black line in front of them.

Especially cold and easy.

This is the first time someone has been talking to him in front of him, ignoring his existence.

If she could not remember her at the first sight of Shen Bi, then she fell into the search book at this moment, and now she was energetic in pursuing him, but now she is simply oblivious to not seeing him.

So Leng Yizhen could not help but look at Shen Bi's eyes.

"Hey, this is the first time our Master Leng Da has been ignored by a woman! You two are really amazing!"

Miyagami Jin, who has always been acting and talking with the character of Dang Erlang, walks to Yun Jian and Shen Bi and smiles.

"Ah, it's you!" Shen Bi reacted, and the three of them, Leng Yichan, actually came to their classroom!

"My grandfather invited you two to visit my house." Especially Yun Jian. Leng Yizheng who took off his sunglasses looked pretty good. He glanced at Yun Jian sideways and made a sound.

"Wow, really!" Shen Bi's eyes lighted up, at the same time she speeded up and quickly packed her schoolbag. After packing, she put a hand on Yunjian and said to Yunjian:

"Sister of death, let's go together!"

Shen Bi is going, Yun Jian follows naturally

The big villa of Leng's house is a little different from the big villa of Shen's house. The big villa of Leng's house is relatively antique. When entering Leng's house, Yunjian has a feeling of returning to the Royal Dragon mainland.

In the lobby of Leng's house, Father Leng saw Yun Jian's arrival. He quickly got down from the main seat and invited Yun Jian to the main seat.

"You are here, please sit down!"

The main seat is where the most important person in the Leng family sits. Now, Mr. Leng gave up this position to Yunjian. Some people in the Leng family who did not know Yunjian's identity were not convinced.

"Oh, who is this little girl! Why did she sit on the main seat!"

A yin and yang strange female voice came, the female voice's owner was a woman in her forties.

Father Leng bred four sons together. This vocal woman is the daughter-in-law of Father Leng, Xing Lenglian.

Xing Leng Leng was a selfish person before. No matter what the big and small things are, the woman who has to get involved in the previous step.

"Don't talk nonsense! I think this little girl looks so pretty and weird! I don't know if you have a marriage with the little girl?" The person who spoke was the wife of Zhang Leng, the second son of Father Leng.

Zhang Qiuci is Leng Yizhen's mother, and Leng Yizhen is the offspring of Leng's second child.

Yun Jian squinted. At the moment she was thinking about making a sound, a magnetic and mellow nice male voice came from the gate, and her words were overbearing with absolute possessiveness. As soon as the words came out, everyone in the room was slightly shock:

"She is married to me, naturally a married woman!"

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