Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1762: Witch's daughter, Witch God is also

Because Yun Jian's move was too aggressive, everyone around him looked at it.

The three school drafts also noticed Yun Jian.

However, he saw Yun Jian standing intact for more than ten meters, with Shen Bi avoiding the spray of that sprinkler neatly.

Yun Jian's slim and perfect figure also appeared in front of the public.

Seeing his brother Leng Yizhen stopped and looked at Yun Jian, Song Zilin raised his eyebrows. It was hard to find that his brother Leng Yizhen actually stopped to watch a girl look fascinated.

"Well, why don't you leave?" Song Zilin asked.

And Yun Bi, who was standing in the distance, pulled Shen Bi away from the spray of the sprinkler. After Shen Bi reacted, she said angrily: "It's Lin Qiuyi, she has straightened me more than once!"

After speaking, Shen Bi said to the place where the sprinkler sprayed just now: "Lin Qiuyi, do you want to be shameless! I have no injustice with you, why do you have to oppose me again and again!"

Seeing that Shen Bi found herself, Lin Qiuyi, who was hiding in the dark, came out.

"Yeah! It's the school flower of our school!"

"She has dealt with Shen Bi so openly more than once!"

"That's it! I don't see the school flowers in our school being good for girls. I don't dare to like them anymore. If the school flowers deal with them, then I'm finished!"

The exclaiming voices of countless female voices immediately rang around.

Lin Qiuyi is the school flower of the Meteor Noble Academy. She is beautiful and rich in her family. Usually, if there is a girl who dares to pursue coldness and easy going, Lin Qiuyi will definitely not put this girl in the college!

The person who took the water sprayer to spray Yunjian and Shen Bi just now is Lin Qiuyi's little follower.

After Lin Qiuyi came to this side, she glanced at Yun Jian and Shen Bi with cold eyes, then turned her head and said to Shen Bi:

"In a small family like yours, you dare to think about being cold and cold, do you not want to mix in school!"

Many of the meteors and ladies are descendants of the family of Yulong Continent.

In the academy, the young masters and ladies of the Royal Dragon Continent have not even visited the Royal Dragon Continent. They just listened to the elders at home about the Royal Dragon Continent.

And the legend about the Lord Wuling who exists on the continent of the dragon dragon.

Here, the general Yulong mainland families are called by the family.

Not only are the elders of Lin Qiuyi from the mainland of Yulong, but even the elders of the three major school grasses belong to the mainland of Yulong.

In fact, many people in the college know the legend of the Royal Dragon Continent, but it is just a legend, because the elders of these young ladies and young ladies came from the Royal Dragon Continent, but they also emigrated hundreds of years ago.

As for whether there is a Yulong continent, how to go back to the Yulong continent is completely unknown to these people.

Therefore, a style was formed in the Meteor Noble Academy.

That's right here. It's a lady or a young master who has a more distinguished status.

The family status of the three major schools, such as Leng Yizheng, Song Zilin, and Gong Shangjin, has the highest status. Therefore, the status is also the highest in the Meteor Noble Academy.

Followed by Lin Qiuyi's home.

These things, Yun Jian also heard about Shen Wei.

She didn't expect that there would be so many families of Yulong Continent. After hundreds of years or thousands of years, the entrance from Yulong Continent to the human world had been opened to the earth.

Yun Jian sneered.

Lin Qiuyi yelled at Shen Bi. Shen Bi was afraid that the Lin family would be implicated in the Shen family.

Leng Yizhang saw this and wanted to turn away.

But only the descendants of a small family.

However, at the moment when the three of them were going to leave, they saw Lin Qiuyi over there seeing Yun Jian look so good-looking, actually three points better than themselves, and they became jealous.

"Which family lady are you again?" Lin Qiuyi asked Yun Jian obliquely, scornfully.

It is estimated that Yunjian is only a young lady from an unknown family, or she is not a young lady at all!

Lin Qiuyi thought with confidence.

"Do you really want to know who I am?" Yun Jian sneered.

This crisp and nice voice made the three Leng Yifu who originally planned to leave stop and looked at Yunjian curiously.

"Of course!" Lin Qiuyi waited to see Yun Jian's joke, she hurried out of her voice.

I saw that Yun Jian, who was standing in front of the crowd, surrounded all the girls, including the faces of the three major school grasses, Leng Yiying, and the faces of everyone like Lin Qiuyi and Shen Bi, and gathered up the arc that they had just slightly evoked. .

She looked indifferent, like a king admired all over the world, and said quietly:

"Listen, I only answer this question about who I am!

"I am the Witch Clan of the Yulong continent, the daughter of the Witch who has been in charge of the life and death of the Yulong continent, the witch god!"

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