Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1758: Coming soon, noble school

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Shen Wei did not insist on saluting.

After all, this is a hospital, and there are many people coming and going. A man in his fifties openly kneels down at a teenage girl in Yunjian, and everyone around him thinks he is neurotic.

That's right, Shen Wei is from Yulong mainland.

Of course, simply because Shen Wei is a member of Yulong Continent, it is naturally impossible to shake Yun Jian's heart to save people.

What really shakes Yunjian to save people is ...

"You really have a way for me to restore all the memories of my previous life?" Yun Jian raised an eyebrow. She looked at Shen Wei with a very cold expression.

"Yes! But to help you restore all the memories of Lord Wu Shen, I have to pay a lot, so I hope you can help me with another thing after saving my son." Shen Wei said to Yun Jian.

The housekeeper Zhuo is also a member of Yulong Continent, so if he said this in front of him, naturally he should not shy away from it.

"What's the matter," Yun Jian said with an arched lip.

"Can you please protect my daughter Shen Bi for one month as a bodyguard? My son Shen Shaocheng didn't become like this in a car accident. It was artificial. I'm afraid that person will not be good for my daughter again!"

Shen Wei frowned, thinking about Yun Jian.

"I know this matter is very difficult for you. You are the Lord Witch God, how can you come forward to protect us who have no status in the Royal Dragon Continent ..."

Shen Wei thought that it was difficult to get Yunjian. He himself felt that it was a bit too much to ask Yunjian for this. Just when he was about to say something else, Yunjian interrupted him: "The transaction."

Protecting Shen Wei's daughter for a month and saving Shen Shaocheng can get all the memories of her previous life. This sale is very cost-effective!

The last time she absorbed the memory transmitted from the wooden sandalwood box, she was interrupted halfway through. Yun Jian remembered only part of the memory. She always felt that she had forgotten something important.

Moreover, I should be able to find the traces of mysterious people from the memories of previous lives!

At this moment, Si Yi is absent. If Si Yi is present, he will definitely prevent Yun Jian from restoring the memories of previous lives.

Syi of the previous life paid too much for Yun Jian. He didn't want Yun Jian to know, because he didn't want her to apologize to him.

He would rather she never regain her memory than remember to go to the mysterious person to settle accounts.

Because everything has him.

Those who owe her, he will take back one by one for her!

Shen Wei had already prepared everything for surgery, because he had expected Yunjian to come.

After Yun Jian came, Shen Wei talked with Yun Jian for two sentences, and Yun Jian entered the operating room.

Two hours later, Yun Jian shed his surgical tools and walked out of the operating room.

"How's it going?" Hua Wenrou, who stood at the gate, rushed over to ask first.

Outsiders thought that Hua Wenrou was worried about Shen Shaocheng's life and death, yes, Hua Wenrou was concerned about Shen Shaocheng's life and death, but what she was worried about was Shen Shaocheng's death.

Yun Jian ignored Hua Wenrou, and she turned to Shen Wei: "After three hours, your son can wake up."

Although Shen Wei already knew it would be the result, he was relieved after hearing Yun Jian's words.

"Master, Shaocheng is fine, nothing is fine ..." Hua Wenrou stood beside Shen Wei and showed a sigh of relief, but she glanced at Yun Jian sternly. .

This little **** actually saved Shen Shaocheng!

"People have no worries about their lives. I will go back and do some things. I will come over as expected after a day." Yun Jian said to Shen Wei at this moment.

When Shen Bi was a bodyguard for a month, this month, she had to ask for leave from school and explain to Qin Yirou so that she could disappear for a month without any reason.

And she has to explain to Si Yi, otherwise he will come to her ...

In fact, Yun Jian doesn't say that he will come over whenever he reaches the ends of the earth.

For some reason, Yun Jian always felt that Si Yi didn't want to remember his past memories, so Yun Jian didn't tell him specifically.

One day later, she will transfer to the aristocratic school attended by Shen Wei's daughter Shen Bi, as a transfer student, to protect her secretly.

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