Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1735: Welcome to the killer world

Xiang Jiayi is always a rich lady with a wealthy family. Like Luo Bing, she has a wealth of money. She grew up with gold since she was a child. She usually does not even do some housework by herself.

Although Luo Bing is also a rich lady of the wealthy family, Colo Berry is at Luo's home, because she was not favored, so she has lived since the childhood, only because she was afraid to say something wrong and was kicked out of the house.

Xiang Jiayi is a typical example of a young lady, so when she woke up, she looked around and saw such a dark scene, and screamed in fright on the spot.

"Open the door! Open the door! What is this place!" One or two boys have slowed down and organized people to go to the back seat of the big truck and hit the door.

But this door is so strict that it can't be broken at all.

Yun Jian sat in the corner with her eyes closed and sorrowful, and a group of girls around were sobbing.

Not only Xiang Jiayi, but also the group of people brought by Xiang Jiayi were arrested. The big truck was large, and there were many young men and girls who did not know Yunjian.

With Yu Guang, Yun Jian's night vision ability is very good. She can clearly see the faces of every boy and girl in the dark space covered by the big truck.

There were not many boys crying, but most of them were girls. After confirming that it was the kidnapping, they all cried out.

Xu Mei woke up later. When she woke up, she was just surprised, but remained silent.

Xu Mei is young and only in her twenties, and those who arrested them may have never imagined that Xu Mei would be a special soldier.

At this moment, Yun Jian understood Xu Xu's silence.

She is building up energy.

Soon they will be involved in a fierce battle!

"Woohoo! I want to go home! I don't want to be here! Mom! I think mom I want to go home! It's terrible here! It's so black! Whoops ..."

Half an hour later, the girls around her throat were crying and Xiang Jiayi was still tearing and screaming.

Yun Jian closed his eyes and remained silent for a while.

Forty-five minutes after this group of people woke up, Xiang Jiayi was still screaming and crying.

"Shut up if you don't want to die first!" Yun Jian's applause suddenly came, and Xiang Jiayi, who was still in fear and confusion, shut up.

Finally calmed down.

Yun Jian closed his eyes again.

But when she closed her eyes, Xiang Jiayi suddenly heard Yun Jian's voice. She caught Yun Jian's position and flung towards Yun Jian:

"It's you! Yunjian is you! It's all you! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here! Go to death! Go to death!"

Xiang Jiayi yelled frantically. She couldn't see where Yunjian was, but hurried forward, stepping on several innocent people one after another, and rushed to Yunjian's side.

However, the moment Xiang Jiayi wanted to pounce on Yun Jian, in the dark, feeling the source of the sound, Yun Jian stunned Xiang Jiayi with a cross.

The surrounding boys could see through a little bit of light, and the boys and girls around them saw Yun Jian's skill, and they were shocked for a while.

"It's noisy." Yun Jian frowned, and she put Xiang Jiayi, who was fainted, aside, but closed her eyes again and raised her energy.

The boys and girls around all took a breath and it was obvious that they were all silent.

After a while, the guy who just took someone to smash the door and walked to Yunjian was not far away. With the light coming in from the outside, the guy calmed himself down as much as possible. He looked at the cloud with his eyes closed. And asked softly:

"Hello, my name is Ma Yichen. I don't think you're panic at all. I want to ask you if you know our situation."

After the boy who claimed to be Ma Yichen fainted with his friend, he woke up inexplicably on this big truck.

Of course he is scared, but as a man, he just doesn't show his fear.

"Brother Yichen, what's the use of asking her? How could she not be a goddess to know, I think she's incapable of protecting herself! Still in there pretending to be tall and not afraid of herself!

"Brother Yichen, today I won't let you be a good person! What if that group kidnapped us! Huh, brother Yichen, you will be taekwondo, martial arts, judo, are you afraid they will fail!"

There was a pretty confident female voice around, and there was a hint of ostentation in the words.

Yun Jian opened his eyes.

"Rouer! Don't talk nonsense!" Ma Yichen quickly stopped the girl.

The girl's name was Hu Yirou. Hu Yirou heard it and was not convinced. She just wanted to continue to speak, but heard Yun Jian's indifference so that everyone in the room panicked.

"Welcome to the killer world."

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