Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1721: Everything back, nothing happened

"What !? My boss is here! What a joke! I just slipped out, okay! How did he ... how did he ... come here so soon! Oh my **** I don't want to go back and help me find a place to hide. "

After hearing Celadon's words, I just hugged my chest and stood in place and looked at the scene in front of me. It seemed like the cold charm of the drama was sinking instantly.

In the next second, Lengmei's face was swollen like black charcoal. She jumped up and looked around. There was nowhere to hide.

"There is a pigpen over there! Lengmei, you should avoid the wind! Hiding in the house is not the most useful. Pigpens are most useful! If you measure your boss, you will definitely not enter the pigpen to find someone!" Gu Nian mentioned to Lengmei Made a kind opinion.

"Yes, yes! What to hide in the pigpen! You let me hide in the pigpen!" She was cold and charming, the first master of the **** doll! I miss her, and she let her hide in the pigpen ...

Leng Mei's face sank immediately.

"Do you want to be caught back!" Gu Nian encouraged again.

Rural people usually have pig pens in their homes because the elderly in rural areas generally farm at home.

There are many vegetables grown in the home, and rural people generally raise one or two or two or three little pigs at home, and the extra vegetables are eaten by the pigs without waste.

This is also a rural custom, because raising one or two pigs at home and waiting for the New Year to slaughter it is particularly delicious.

Of course, the old people did n’t raise piglets for the sake of the year. The old people were so poor that they could n’t even eat the food. There were so many people who starved to death in the old days. It ’s not for the family to eat pigs and slaughter it Yes, but sold it!

Pork can sell a lot of money!

There are three pigs in Zhang Meihua's pigpen, and they are now the size of an adult pig.

Leng Mei is the first master of the blood doll organization, which means her strength must be good.

Coupled with Leng Mei's usual dress, they are quite decent.

Let her hide in the pigsty? This is driving her crazy!

She was arrested back last time, and she was held in bed for three days and three nights by their leader!

She managed to escape this time. The leader of their family could be fooled by her once, but not by her for the second time!

Going back this time, definitely can't run out!

Lengmei gritted her teeth and let out.

"Hide! Madam hide!" After that, Lengmei jumped into the pigpen.

The pig in the pigpen howled a few times about the alien creature Lengmei. After a while, I didn't know what the cold charm had done, and the pig stopped howling.

"Ah!" Even Yun Jian saw this scene and couldn't help tearing his lips.

At this moment, Si Yi came over and took her into her arms.

Nostalgia and cold charm can make everyone present funny ...

But at this moment, except for Yun Yi and Celadon, everyone around him was scared by the old man's body and was afraid to move.

"Let us go! We promise we won't go out and say more, Yirou! Ah Yirou! Let your daughter let us go! We promise to say nothing! We promise to say nothing! I beg you Come on! Let us go! "

The group of old women were frightened by this scene in front of them and knelt directly to Qin Yirou for mercy.

"Knowing my identity, do you still want to live in this world?" Yun Jian raised an eyebrow, and she whispered softly.

The necessary intimidation is indispensable.

Yun Jian's words caused a panic again.

"As long as we don't let us die! Let us do anything! Anything!" All the people around fell to their knees, and some even scratched their heads towards Yunjian.

Yun Jian's eyes brightened, and she signaled a glaze, allowing everyone except Qin Yirou, Yun Yi, and everyone who shouldn't erase their memories to drink for three hours.

This is the ultimate purpose of Yunjian.

Even Lu Feiyan and Li Xiangyi were not spared.

The corpses and blood on the ground were quickly cleared by this group of people organized by the Dark Soul, and everything was restored to what it was when nothing happened.

At this moment, at the gate, the figure of Di Lin suddenly appeared.

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