Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1719: Si Yi's fury, the death of the old man

Ten seconds was the slowest time he gave them.

Si Yi is angry!

When Si Yi was angry, he looked different from ordinary people. Yun Jian could be seen from the corner of his frown.

Sidi locked his eyebrows, the veins at the corners of his eyebrows were beating suddenly, his handsome face showed such a look for the first time.

Dare to mess with his woman! Everyone, send him to hell!

"Ayi, Ayi, you wait, this is because ..."

Qin Yirou listened, and then looked at the group of people brought into the house, each carrying a machine gun! Naturally, she couldn't think that what Sidi had said was a joke, so she hurriedly stopped it.

Qin Yirou said nothing at the moment.

Si Yi saw Yun Jian's eyes red and red, his heart was broken.

He has lived for twenty years in this life, and his character has always been lukewarm. It feels like the earth is exploding and the sky is about to fall. He will not show a second expression on his face.

But at this moment, his expression changed again and again!

His note is crying!

Even he himself was reluctant to bully, holding in his palms afraid of falling off, and holding a note in his mouth that was afraid of melting, he was actually bullied and wept! ?

This next Yi Yi is really angry.

After seeing Qin Yirou appearing, Qin Yirou was Yun Jian's biological mother after all, and she always spoiled Yun Jian as usual. At this moment Qin Yirou appeared, Xueying and Mo Sen were somewhat taboo.

So I didn't make the first shot.

"There are still five seconds. If the people here haven't died, you are the ones who die!" Stee's pair of sharp, hawkish eyes were directly reflected on Xueying and Mosen.

Time from now, ten seconds to solve everyone here! If Snow Eagle and Moson could not do this with the Dark Souls! The dead are Snow Eagle and Morson!

Stella's words surprised Snow Eagle and Moson a little.

Young Master hasn't touched such anger for many years!

Strictly speaking, the last time I was so angry was when I was the young master or the original Lord God!

At that time, because the witch **** did not attend the ceremony, Sidi was angry, and the king of the dragon continent ran into Syi's muzzle, saying that the Lord Witch God would not come to the ceremony.

Si Yi was furious at the time, and tore the master of the imperial continent, Wang, directly to tears away his soul!

At that time, the cruelty of Lord Shenjun spread completely.

And this time, Snow Eagle and Mosen felt once again Sie's anger.

With a wave of their gestures, a violent burst of fire was fired directly at the scene.

Yun Jian's words came out in time: "It's not them, it's him." Yun Jian put his finger on the old man.

The people around are indeed innocent. Today, Yun Jian blew herself up, and she has already figured out the countermeasures.

Qin Yirou still needs to survive here, so that these people lose all the memories they see today.

But if this is dead, it is not a level thing.

Yunjian never likes to do complicated things.

The death of the people present was of no benefit to her.

But at this moment, Yun Jian can understand the details of the old man.

The master of her previous life is most likely from Yulong mainland.

This old man is the elder brother of her master.

Coupled with all the actions of the old man, it is not difficult to guess that this old man has nothing to do with Yulong Continent.

If she's not wrong, the old man is just the brother she met when her master worshipped and learned from the earth.

Therefore, the old man has nothing to do with the Royal Dragon mainland.

Of course, if the old man knows that she and her master are from Yulong Continent, she is still the witch **** of Yulong Continent. The old man estimated that he borrowed ten gall and would never dare to come to the door to cause trouble.

As a witch god, Yun Jian can see that there is no spiritual fluctuation in this old man.

The answer is no, so she can basically guess the relationship between the old man and the master.

As for his identity as a witch god, Yun Jian does not intend to tell Qin Yirou now.

The danger brought by the identity of Mo Shen is now enough to protect Qin Yirou. However, Yun Jian herself does not know how much danger the identity of Wu Shen will bring to Qin Yirou.

The successive appearance of mysterious people and black robe people, and why the previous life itself fell ...

All these things still need her to explore slowly, so this identity, less than a last resort, she would not say.

Yun Jian's words were more useful than Bisyi said. Xueying and Mosen didn't hesitate to let the killers of this group of dark soul organizations behind them immediately drop their machine guns.

"Well, you guys have fun, I'm leaving now, Sudden, see you next time!" Sudden, next time, I must kill you!

The old man fiercely turned his eyes to look at Yunjian. After the words were over, others had jumped up and wanted to escape from the eaves under the eyes of everyone.

What I have to say is that the appearance of Si Yi made the old man afraid.

So the old man escaped.

Everyone in the audience looked at the scene in surprise, but before the old man jumped out of the eaves, they saw the long figure holding the Yunjian flashing.

The next second, when I saw the sky, I do n’t know when Sidi would take the old man one step faster, standing in the sky, and his long thigh slammed the old man from the air to the ground.

Si Yi simply landed, and he obliquely spoke to the old man and said coldly:

"Women who want to leave after bullying me? Leave your head!"

When the words were over, the blade of light flashed, and blood spewed, and I saw—

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