Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1683: Come see me or he will die

When Yun Jian entered the classroom and asked them who the school grass was in the first school, the students in class 6 and 6 of the first school thought that Yun Jian was a student of a certain school.

Zhang Chengjun is well-known in the Longmen public schools, and because of his looks and achievements, many high school students in Longmen know him.

Even some junior high school students know Zhang Chengjun.

Therefore, all students thought that Yunjian was chasing the class to ask people because they admired Zhang Chengjun, a school draft recognized by their school.

However, no one had expected that the appearance of the appearance was Yun Jian, the image of a weak and weak female high school student. She suddenly flashed to Zhang Chengjun in a few flashes.

This skill is like practicing a family!

Suddenly seeing an ordinary girl exert such a powerful ability, everyone present was dumbfounded.

But this is not over.

The students in the class saw Yun Jian flashing in front of Zhang Chengjun. When Zhang Chengjun felt very good about herself, she flipped her hand and plunged into Zhang Chengjun's thigh at the moment when the crowd didn't respond at all.

Then I said the words that tightened the pupils of all students in Zhang Chengjun's class.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" But at this moment, Zhang Chengjun's tear-like scream was already sounding.

The pain of being stabbed directly into the thigh by Yun Jian with a knife is far more real and horrifying than imagined.

The surrounding students who saw this scene were already scared to rush out of the classroom and call the teacher.

There were only a few guts, or Zhang Chengjun's friends remained in the classroom.

"You ... You are Chen Xinyi's friend !? Why hasn't she ever said that she has such a powerful friend as you!" Otherwise they would never provoke Chen Xinyi!

Playing with Zhang Chengjun, even this time when Chen Xinyi had an accident, they followed Zhang Chengjun together to encourage Zhang Chengjun, which caused the boys in the incident's class to look pale.

When they heard about Yun Cheng and Zhang Chengjun just now, they were still standing beside them, laughing and exaggerating whistling to watch the show.

All of them were scared to death at this moment.

Yun Jian's skill is not an ordinary person at first glance. Isn't Chen Xinyi just a little rich businessman? How did she know such a terrible friend?

How would a normal girl rush up and throw a knife into a person's thigh!

Such a horrible picture, even if a girl usually imagines it, she will feel scared, but what about her?

She actually said the words just now, after piercing the knife into Zhang Chengjun's thigh.

"Mr. Guo! Here it is! A girl rushed into our class and tied Zhang Chengjun's leg with a knife!"

The trembling voice of the classmate who ran out and called the teacher immediately sounded outside the classroom.

Soon, a male teacher with a large pile of fat on his belly and a shiny scalp walked into the classroom with the support of everyone.

When the male teacher, called Teacher Guo, entered the classroom, the students at the scene calmed down.

Seeing Zhang Chengjun rolling on the ground, Teacher Guo's face sank severely. He shouted to the students around him, "Go and call an ambulance!"

After shouting, Teacher Guo faced Yunjian with his eyes and said fiercely:

"Which school are you from! How did you get in! You didn't learn well at a young age, but you dare to hurt people in our school! Don't think you can't get into the game when you are under eighteen. You dare to hurt people. Ten or eight years, you are set! "

Zhang Chengjun's family history is not ordinary! Now that Zhang Chengjun is in trouble at school, naturally Zhang Chengjun's family will not let go of Yunjian!

Upon seeing Teacher Guo's presence, the few friends of Zhang Chengjun who were afraid of Yunjian just now eased his mood.

Teacher Guo is a physical education teacher in No.1 Middle School. At the same time, he has undergone strict training.

The strength is naturally different from ordinary people. Teacher Guo is here, and everyone agrees that Yun Jian dare not do any more.

But after seeing Yun Jian over there listening to Teacher Guo's words, she made a cold arc, lifted her foot and stepped on the butterfly knife stuck in Zhang Chengjun's thigh, and sent the knife in.

At this point, Zhang Chengjun's whole person huddled and finally fainted.

Everyone around looked unbelievably at Yun Jian who dared to do it, but listening to Yun Jian's words, Leng Ao rang:

"Let your principal head over to see me immediately, otherwise I will kill him now!"

With that said, Yun Jian stepped on the butterfly knife and sent the knife to Zhang Chengjun's thigh again. Her expression was horrifying and trembling, like a **** of a god, and the words and deeds trembled everyone present.

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