Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1649: Bad bad old man

This is a sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by colorful, beautiful as if a fairyland on earth, with a pure natural beauty.

Si Yi took Yun Jian step by step and walked slowly, Yun Jian looked around, and then raised his eyes to Si Yi, "Here is it?"

"You can travel here by hot air balloon, the beauty you found yesterday. Do you like it?"

Si Yi asked again. He had wrapped his long hand around Yun Jian's waist while talking, and looked down at Yun Jian with his head down, and it looked as if he was asking Yun Jian's thoughts.

Seeing Si Yi's look of anticipation, he could not wait to write the expression "Quickly praise me! Quickly praise me!", Yun Jian slightly grinned, a pure smile.

She nodded at Yi Yi, "Well, I like it."

As soon as she said she liked it, Sidi opened an arc. He took Yun Jian's little hand and walked to the old man who was pulling the hot air balloon.

This hot air balloon was built by the old man in front of him and several investors who partnered with the old man.

There are many hot air balloons floating around in the sky. There are many couples around and the crowd is very crowded.

The hot-air balloon here is not the kind of hot-air balloon that is fixed on the ground. It will lead tourists across this endless sea of ​​flowers and slowly bring the tourists to the opposite bank.

Although it looks exciting, it is very safe.

Therefore, there are more tourists, and there are not a few people in the hot air balloon. In a blink of an eye, there are only one or two hot air balloons that are idle.

"Don't worry, everyone, don't worry! Take your time, we have contacted the warehouse to send you hot air balloons, come one by one, don't worry!"

The hot air balloon owner, the old man was waving to the passengers who were waiting for the hot air balloon, don't worry, the hot air balloon will be delivered from the warehouse soon.

In fact, because of the good weather and sunny days in recent days, there are a lot of hot air balloon riders, which leads to insufficient hot air balloons.

There are a lot of people waiting in line for the hot air balloon, and Si Yi's little hand holding Yun Jian lined up here, and I really enjoyed the feeling of queuing.

He did not use any of his identities to expel the people around him, or directly contracted the venue here. Instead, he held Yunjian's hands in line, just like an ordinary couple waiting in line for a hot air balloon.

This line is one afternoon, when it is Yunyun's and Siyi's hot air balloon ride.

"Come here, it's your little couple's turn! Come up!" The old man beckoned to Yun Jian and Si Yi.

"It's a husband and wife." Sidi corrected at the moment the old man beckoned.

"Ahem! Such a young couple is a husband and wife! The young girl is very young, but there is a husband who can hurt others! Come here! Just step on it!"

When the old man listened to Si Yi's words, he grinned his big yellow teeth and smiled, and then let Yun Jian and Si Yi get on the hot air balloon.

The heat on the hot air balloon is well controlled, so this hot air balloon usually sits on a young couple.

Because the hot air balloon has a handle, if you want to land, just pull the handle down.

When Si Yi and Yun Jian got on the hot air balloon, the old man also leaned his head and looked at Yun Jian with a smile, then he said to Si Yi with a look of thief:

"Young man, kiss your daughter-in-law while sitting on the highest point on the hot air balloon, and guarantee you a long time! Hey! Go!"

As the old man finished his last sentence, he released the line that tied the hot-air balloon, and the hot-air balloon immediately rose from the flat ground and rose into the air.

After listening to the old man's bad words, Si Yi slightly arced.

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