Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1637: She is actually the best

A team of special forces led by Chief Fang stayed here at the Taekwondo Pavilion, and a one-on-one strength contest is about to be held here. Even when Chief Fang brought Yun Jian and his team of 20 people here, they were low-key, but they still lost the wind .

Special forces, for everyday people, that is a sacred symbol!

Usually that is the existence that can't be met!

Special forces represent strength!

What are the reasons why these young people in Taekwondo do so hard?

Isn't it to make yourself stronger?

And other special forces are such a powerful existence.

As the saying goes, powerful people are always looked down upon. When I heard that Yunjian was a special force, the parents of all the students in the Taekwondo Pavilion and the students around looked at this side with curiosity and shock.

"She is one of the group of the most powerful special forces in the country? She !?" Lin Kun, who was shaking himself very handsomely in front of Yun Jian, was immediately shocked and stared at Yun Jian with panic eyes.

The girl in front is actually one of the most powerful special forces members in the country?

Is she eighteen years old?

Lin Kun's face changed suddenly. He stared at Yun Jian stubbornly, his expression as if stepping on shit.

He was so extreme in front of Yun Jian just now, thinking of a girl in his heart, how dare he judge himself with such a contemptuous tone?

But now it seems that his actions and actions just turned into a ridiculous joke!

Lin Kun's face was so dark.

"Let's go." Xu Mei is the oldest after all. When she saw Lin Kun, a group of hairy boys, just said Yun Jian just now, she ate something like that, but just pulled the corners of her mouth and was too lazy to care.

Xu Mei Zhao Yunjian and Luoberry waved their hands and walked to the gate of Taekwondo.

Yun Jian just grinned slightly, then she turned and followed Xu Mei out of the Taekwondo Hall.

Yun Jian's long flying hair was tied high in the back of her head. She was dressed in a black tights, showing her tall and beautiful figure to the fullest.

The back, free and easy, has an inexplicable feeling of blood.

"All the special forces couldn't gather at the door? Walk around, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Are you still going?"

Some parents shouted in excitement.

All the students and parents in the Taekwondo Pavilion reacted and followed.

Although Lin Kun was embarrassed, he couldn't help but be curious, and walked out of the door side by side with the students of the Taekwondo Pavilion.

The three of Yunjian gathered at the gate at the latest. At this time, Chief Fang was standing on the steps of the Taekwondo Pavilion and looked down at the crowd.

The three of Yunjian joined the team to stand in good military posture, and everyone was already there.

At this time, Lin Kun and others have come out of the gate of Taekwondo Hall with curiosity.

Everyone stood in the distance and looked at Yunjian and his team of twenty people.

"Tomorrow we will officially start the one-on-one competition. The rules of the game are very simple. One-on-one draws will be played. The winners will be left behind. ! "

Chief Fang and others arrived and said very solemnly.

Because they gathered temporarily at the gate of the Taekwondo Pavilion, everyone passing by stopped to watch over.

Standing next to it were parents, and Lin Kun and others.

And the biggest shock to Lin Kun and others is that Yun Jian is really one of these special forces!

But the shock is far more than that.

After Chief Fang said these words, he continued: "Now come one by one to express your thoughts or confidence in your game."

Having said this in the official Mandarin, he looked at Yun Jian and said to Yun Jian: "006, you have the best ability, you come first."

After saying this, Lin Kun and others in the distance watched Yun Jian stepping out of the ranks of the special forces, and then went up.

The best?

The youngest girl has the best ability?

The boys who had ridiculed Yun Jian just now, as well as Lin Kun himself, including the crowd around him, were all dumbfounded, one silly cricket was on the spot.

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