Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1580: Famous blood doll, aunt is sick

Looking at Xueying's appearance, Shi Luo was a little scared. She just wanted to say another word to Xueying, and she saw Yunjian standing at the door.

"Sister Yunjian, please help me, I don't want to go, I want to live with sister Qinglan and sister Gu Nian! I don't want to live with him!"

Shi Luo looked at Yun Jian, pursed his lips, and looked at her pitiful little daughter-in-law.

Sluo is just an ordinary girl. Her love history is zero, and she doesn't know why Snow Eagle treats her like this.

Siluo was afraid that Snow Eagle would treat her like this. After listening to Snow Eagle's words, she was even more afraid. She felt like Snow Eagle was going to kill herself.

"Mrs. Young, I can follow your instructions, but leave this thing alone!" Xueying said in a very solemn tone.

Yun Jian narrowed her eyes. She glanced at the glazed glaze and caressing with the same ‘hidden’ side, laughing, covering her mouth, and having a thick cheek, she said a very unkind word:

"I didn't see anything."

Did you see nothing? Damn it! See everything! The blue glaze on the sofa and the indifferent Zhao Yunjian shook his lips.

In the end, Slough was taken away by Snow Eagle in the dying struggle.

After Sluo was taken away by Snow Eagle, Yun Jian went to Qinglan and Gu Nian.

"Sister Jian, you are really kind!" Qinglan teased Yun Jian.

"Want to go to Africa?" Yun Jian sat on the sofa, she looked sideways at the blue glaze, and made an arc.

"Don't, Jian Jian doesn't take you like this!" Qing Gla quickly shook her head, almost afraid that Yun Jian wouldn't be afraid.

After the ridiculous words were finished, Qinglan's face was dignified. She reported to Yunjian that the ancient mercenary regiment had recently gathered intelligence:

"Sister Jian, the master asked me to tell you that recently a killer organization called Blood Doll has emerged in Southeast Asia. It has defeated other organizations in Southeast Asia as quickly as possible and has become the first organization in Southeast Asia with amazing strength.

"During this period, the Blood Doll intervened many times in the missions of our ancient mercenary regiment, and left cards written in blood to provoke us.

"But even our Intelligence Unit of the Ancient Killing Mercenary Group could not find out the details of the blood doll. What should we do next?"

The celadon master is naturally a snake lizard.

The blood doll mentioned in Celadon is a new killer organization in Southeast Asia.

The origin is unknown.

The purpose is unknown.

Motivation is unknown.

Recently, the Blood Doll has repeatedly intervened in the missions of the Ancient Killing Mercenary Group. The motive is similar to the intentional interference in the actions of the Ancient Killing Mercenary Group.

"Blood doll?" Yun Jian squinted, Yun Dan said these three words lightly.

"Yes." Celadon nodded.

"Hold your soldiers and wait for the opponent to shoot first." Yun Jian squinted and said softly.

Southeast Asia is located in Southeast Asia, with a total of 11 countries.

The ancient divisions of the Mercenary Regiment and the Underworld are far from Southeast Asia.

Therefore, blood dolls can develop in Southeast Asia.

Of course, the rise and fall of killer organizations is a common occurrence, and Yun Jian cannot control it.

But this blood doll has been repeatedly provoking the ancient killing mercenary regiment just at the development stage.

The wise man would definitely not do this. The blood doll would definitely have its own base to do so.

Yun Jian is not stupid, of course she would not choose to shoot directly to the blood doll.

"I immediately informed the master." Qinglan Chaoyun Jian said.

"Um." Yun Jian nodded.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when Yun Jian returned home, and Si Yi was not there, Yun Jian went to the villa built by Ge Jun.

This is just the door of the villa built by Ge Jun, Qin Yirou has prepared dinner.

There were only Yun Jian, Qin Yirou, and Xiao Yunzhu for dinner.

Ge Junjian should still be on assignments.

"Xiao Jian, tomorrow, my mother intends to let the three of them take you to your aunt Dong Ruan's house for a few days. Your aunt is sick and there are no relatives or friends outside the province. Mom is going to take a bus with your grandmother to see your aunt."

Qin Yirou hesitated twice, but still spoke this up.

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