Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1523: It ’s longer than you

It is not difficult to imagine that Queen Marcia is a typical literary school. In her cognition, girls should look like good women.

A girl should do what is worthy of the words girls.

Keep your guard at home, keep your ethics, and be proficient in piano, calligraphy, painting, and calligraphy. Don't go too close to a man before you get married.

Such a girl, she is the true future daughter-in-law standard in Marcia's eyes.

Yun Jian and Shi Yi pulled, Marcia did not know the relationship between Yun Jian and Si Yi, so her first impression of Yun Jian was not good.

Coupled with Yun Jian's dress, it doesn't look like a noble girl at all, so you can tell that Yun Jian is definitely not aristocratic.

Therefore, after knowing that her son was interested in Yun Jian, Marcia was instinctive and had a kind of resistance.

Liu Yan's performance is very similar to Marcia's standard of daughter-in-law, but Yunjian is his son's favorite. This choice is difficult, so Marcia asked the question just now.

Even if Yun Jian would have a couple of things from a girl's house, Marcia thought that if her son liked it, she could still consider Yun Jian.

Liu Yan knows so many instruments, dances and plays, and is an international star as famous as her son. Marcia appreciates Liu Yan very much.

So Marcia is very satisfied with Liu Yan as her daughter-in-law.

At most, Yun Jian only has an attitude that his son likes, and observes to see if she is qualified to be her daughter-in-law.

But Marcia never expected that she just asked Yun Jian if there was something the girl's family should have.

As a result, Yun Jian said, what heavy weapons, guns, ammunition, and missile nuclear weapons would she have!

She also said that she would kill people!

Marcia was completely frightened by Yun Jian's rhetoric.

Oh my god! Is this something a girl should say!

What weapons, guns and artillery, these are all things men should do!

What about Yunjian? Yun Jian is really good, she actually knows these horrible weapons!

Marcia resisted the faint of fainting. She helped Liu Yan to hold her hand, so she was not stunned by what Yun Jian said.

Liu Yan was also frightened by what Yun Jian said.

Of course, I wasn't really scared, but I thought Yunjian was stupid? What did she say she knew?

Isn't this stupid?

When I thought so, I saw Marcia looking at Yun Jian, facing Yun Jian with an unbelievable look, and asking:

"Oh my God! You are a little girl, it ’s not good to say anything wrong, and you say you have so many horrible weapons! You and you are purely intentional!

Then, Marcia stroked her forehead at the same time.

She has been the queen for so many years, and for the first time, she heard that a young girl would be so dangerous.

Of course, Marcia didn't believe Yunjian would have so many terrible weapons.

"Talking?" After listening to Marcia's words, Yun Jian raised her brows slightly, her red arc rising slightly, sneer.

"It wasn't nonsense, could it still be true!" Marcia felt unable to communicate with Yun Jian.

She said that Yun Jian wanted to behave strangely in front of herself, and wanted to behave crazy, so she said so.

Marcia had just finished speaking the last sentence, but saw that Yun Jian standing in front of her suddenly turned her hand, and a butterfly knife appeared in her hand out of thin air.

The butterfly knife dangled from side to side, passing by Marcia, and it was almost time for Marcia to have time to react.

After Marcia reacted, her long, long hair had been cut off by Yun Jian with a butterfly knife, and the knife approached to the limit.

This change made Marcia pale for a while.

The surrounding Liu Yan, Richard, and a group of servants were also taken aback.

When everyone looked up and looked at Yunjian, they saw that Yunjian on the other end had a smile without temperature, and said coldly:

"The person I killed with a knife is longer than your life. You say I'm talking nonsense, do you want to try the taste of death!"

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