Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1499: Without this ticket, go in

Among this group of girls, the girl who talked to Yun Jian was the most fashionable, the most decently dressed, and the most intense makeup.

The reason why the girls are so energetic is because she got the tickets to the concert this time.

The girl's name is Peng Caihui. She relied on her strength and her uncle was working in the crew. The other day, I got a dozen concert tickets for the international star Yao Lili in Min, so she was particularly arrogant. .

Yao Lili is an international superstar, a superstar who has a large influence in the entire international community.

It can be said that in 1999, her name has reached a household name.

Tickets, Peng Caihui is given to many people, but today in front of everyone, Peng Caihui has a very sense of superiority, she is not only the most fashionable to wear, the most eye-catching dress, more importantly in front of everyone She is holding her head high.

That's because in Peng Caihui's consciousness, she felt that without Jian, Yun Jian and everyone around him would not be able to come here, and it would be impossible to enter the concert gate, because their tickets were given by themselves. Yeah.

Therefore, Peng Caihui has a feeling that she is the boss.

So when seeing Yun Jian dressed so casually, Peng Caihui had a feeling that Yun Jian didn't give herself face.

This feeling makes Peng Caihui very uncomfortable.

In addition, Peng Caihui is the kind of girl who does not have a face at all, so she immediately said what she said.

"Cai Hui, don't do this, we are also a school ..." The girl standing next to Peng Caihui immediately voiced.

The girl next to Peng Caihui is the one she met with Lin Yi, but it is quite friendly.

The girl she met with Lin Wei was Ye Qiao.

All the freshmen who were freshmen in the high school were present. When Peng Caihui said Yun Jian, not only Ye Qiao couldn't stand it, Lin Ye couldn't help it.

"How can you say that to my friend? You ..." When Lin Yan still wanted to say something, Peng Caihui's eyes looked around, and then she flickered around, very arrogantly interrupted. What Lin Yan said.

"Che, I said it, and what do you want? Don't forget, you can go to the concert today, or thanks to me! Without me, can you have a ticket?"

Peng Caihui was so arrogant that it was because of this.

The ticket was taken from the crew by her uncle. Without them, Yunjian could they enter the concert? Alas, stop kidding! How rare is a ticket to a concert! Anyone who wants to go to a concert knows it!

"This is what you gave?" Yun Jian, who had not spoken at this time, reached out and raised his hand for the concert ticket, then looked at Peng Caihui sideways.

"Oh, it's not mine. Will it still be yours? So ah! I advise you to be a little bit shameful enough to wear such a hunk, and when you walk with us, you will automatically obediently leave us. Stay away, otherwise ... "

Peng Caihui shook her body a little, then said.

It's just that this sentence was just half said, and Yun Jian threw this one to Peng Caihui, a group of young boys and girls, to the ground with a value that could not even be bought in Renminbi.

"Then this ticket, return you. Without this ticket, I can still go in."

The woman actually ran to Minshi under the name of a big star to have a concert. She had to go to this concert.

Yun Jian dumped the concert tickets before and after Peng Caihui, turned around and walked towards the Minshi City Center Stadium behind him.

"Well, she didn't think she could go in without a ticket? Really thought she was a great character?" Peng Caihui immediately laughed when she saw Yun Jian going over there.

"I don't need this anymore, you want it! Hmmm!" Lin Yi saw this, and she shoved her ticket back into Peng Caihui's hand, and chased it to Yunjian. .

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