Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1495: I'm not used to shaking hands with people

Yu Shaoluo's words attracted the attention of everyone around him. If Yun Jian's words were not enough to convince the congregation, then at the military academy, the words of the instructors were absolutely convincing.

So as soon as Yu Shaoluo's words fell, the classmates became turbulent.

I'm afraid that Yun Jian wouldn't be the same even if he wasn't the legend who rushed out of the dungeon!

As to whether this is the case, it would not be clear if Instructor Yu was like this.

In Yun Jian's own words, the students thought there was no credibility.

However, there are still students who are quite interested in this matter.

"Mr. Yu, are you or are you telling the truth or not? It was n’t the whole school sensation last time? It ’s Yunjian who provoked the instructors and implicates our class ...

Instructor Yu is a more talkative instructor. Usually students ask him some more explicit words, and Instructor Yu will not blame the classmates. So when they see Instructor Yu, they will ask what they want to ask.

At this moment, a thin and tall boy asked Yu Shaoluo.

"What's the matter? What caused the instructors? Well! Students in your class! It's so rich in imagination, haha! I really don't know how to say you!"

Listening to the surrounding classmates, Yun Jian provoked the instructors, and Yu Shaoluo almost didn't even laugh at the saliva.

Yun Jian messed up with the instructors?

Where did the group of students hear the jokes?

Yu Shaoluo twitched his smile, and finally stopped his emotion of wanting to laugh, put his hands in his fists and coughed, and then said:

"Yun Jian has done a great job this time. I'm coming to your classroom to find her now and I'm calling her to receive the prize."

Yu Shaoluo spoke word by word.

When these words were just spoken, all the students in the class were completely stupid.


Receive the prize?

What is the prize?

Yun Jian did not provoke the instructors last time, but made great achievements?

In fact, the students in the class did not know. If they knew that Yun Jian had not only made great achievements, but even helped the Interpol Brigade to capture the arrogance of these years, countless agents were killed and Glen could not be arrested.

He also rescued a large group of special agents who belonged to the dungeon, such as Ge Junjian, who sneaked into the underground of the European and American underground black market leader Glen.

This credit is not one aspect, it can already be regarded as all aspects.

Reward alone can't show Yunjian's achievements at all.

"Yunjian, follow me to receive the reward." Yu Shaoluo said, turning his eyes to Yunjian.

"Um." Listening to this, Yun Jian stood up from her seat, and she walked to Yu Shaoluo's side.

Under the envious eyes of the classmates, Yun Jian and Yu Shaoluo disappeared under the eyes of the students present.

After Yun Jian left, the classmates in the classroom fell out again.

"It turned out that Yunjian didn't provoke the instructor, but made a contribution! It's really amazing!"

"I admire her so much that a girl can do it ..."

Even the people who were full of opinions about Yunjian just now couldn't help admiring them.

By then, Yun Jian had been brought to the office by Yu Shaoluo.

Sitting in the office are teachers who teach major subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, and English.

Generally, instructors and coaches have their own offices, which are different from the teachers of these main courses.

At this moment, not only are there teachers who teach Chinese, mathematics, and English in the office, but even big leaders in military uniforms.

As soon as Yu Shaoluo led Yun Jian into the office, he pointed at a well-dressed, middle-aged male leader not far away.

"He is the principal of our military school in Min City, and the principal of Ma." After Yu Shaoluo introduced Yun Ma to the principal, he introduced Yun Jian in turn.

Principal Ma narrowed his eyes and smiled at Yun Jian. He came over and reached out to Yun Jian: "Ha ha ha! I did not expect that the talents of our junior military school are outstanding! Little girl, shake your hand, come!"

Principal Ma spoke to Yun Jian with a smile.

Yun Jianxuan smiled for the first time, then calmly said, "Sorry, I'm not used to shaking hands with people."

Who is President Ma? He is the principal of the Min Military Academy!

Ordinary people met with President Ma, which one is not good for him.

As a result, this time President Ma personally reached out to Yun Jian.

Such a great honor, Yun Jian actually refused?

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