Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1493: That person is me, do you believe it?

The classmates around were all dumbfounded. After all, there were not many people like Yun Jian.

People are worried about being afraid or not, but what about her? She actually directly evaluated the fake snake and concluded that the factory of the fake snake should be closed.

"Hahaha! You can tell from the details of the snake's workmanship whether the snake's manufacturing factory has closed down? Hey! I laughed to death! Is it because you have the ability to predict?

"When you are God? Or when you are a prophet? Really laugh at me! You really want to laugh at me!"

One of the boys in the class laughed loudly, not to mention how harsh the laughter was.

This boy is very unpleasant to see Yun Jian, it is because of Yun Jian's strength.

It is really Yun Jian's strength is too powerful, so strong that a boy can not compare to a girl.

Most of the class are male students. Except for a few male students who worship Yunjian, most of them are very disgusted with Yunjian.

After all, Yun Jian's strength is here. Even a male student can't compare to Yun Yun, so as a boy, he will definitely have an opinion.

The vast majority of boys do not like girls to be better than themselves, and naturally these boys in the class do the same.

The boy who stood up and said that Yun Jian was not happy said this, but this is just now, another weak male voice came out:

"Kee, this fake snake was a toy when I was a kid. The manufacturing plant really closed because the fake snake was made by my uncle's factory. Now the factory has been closed for more than five years ...

It was the boy who brought the fake snake to the classroom.

The boy was reluctant to admit this fact, but it was impossible. In fact, he was not good at lying.

As soon as this remark came out, the boy who had mocked Yun Jian's face suddenly turned pale, like that when he squatted in the toilet and **** suddenly became constipated.

This stepped out and said that the boy whose factory had closed down had just dropped, and Yun Jian threw the fake snake to the boy's face.

The boy was suddenly thrown into his face by his fake snake, and he shivered fiercely. Apparently the moment he received the snake, he didn't even respond. The snake is his own! It's fake, not real!

"Don't do such naive things in the future. You are targeting me this time. If you are targeting an ordinary girl, if she was scared to death by you, will you bear the consequences?"

Yun Jian despised such a person most, and she sneered.

There have also been news reports that it was just joking and joking to use toys like fake snakes to scare classmates, and as a result they scared female students to death.

"Cut, at first glance, you know it was intentional! Pretending! Shameless!"

She has always been at odds with Yun Jian. Last time, the military training in the field was knocked out. The instructors put her corpse on a remote island to scare her classmate Lin Shuya. She did n’t know the last time. She looked at Yun Jian coldly , As always, discord with Yun Jian.

"By the way, I don't know if you guys know it or not. The officer Ge who was said to be in trouble last time was rescued. He was rescued from the dungeon of the world-renowned underground black market boss Glen Base Camp!

"I heard that the dungeon, no one has ever come out alive since its creation! Hey, this time someone has brought people out of the dungeon! I heard that it is still a woman! A terrible death!"

Some boys immediately shifted the topic and began to whisper in a somewhat excited tone.

Having said that, everyone suddenly thought that Yun Jian that day should have forcibly instructed Yu Shaoluo Yu to take her to rescue Officer Ge.

After all, officer Ge was Yun Yun's father after all.

So one or two go, this sight immediately turned to Yun Jian.

"Yunjian, you should have been to the site of Glenn, the boss of the black market in Europe and America, right? You should know the dungeon of Glenn Base Camp. As long as it is the person who was arrested, it will never come out again. Rumors!

"Hey, do you know that, who was the first legendary woman to lead someone out of the dungeon?"

Someone suddenly realized that Yun Jian might know this, so he opened his mouth and asked Yun Jian.

"Oh, you still asked her? Just last time, she provoked the instructor, and she must follow it! People like her are deliberate! It's nothing to cause trouble! You also ask her, can she know if it's not!"

Protests were heard immediately.

But everyone around was still looking forward to Yunjian.

Everyone was very interested at the time.

The dungeon has been built for decades. In these decades, the people who entered it have become more powerful, but no one has ever escaped from prison.

There are even rumors that in such a place as dungeon, no one in this world can escape from there!

But now, those who led people out of the dungeon appeared! The students in the class were very gossip about wanting to know, so they all turned to look at Yunjian.

Yun Jian slightly arced, and she gently pursed her lips under the eyelids that everyone expected, and then said, "If I said that the person who led people out of the dungeon was me, you, believe me."

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