Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1490: Pure income, I did it with you

"Um." Yun Jian said a very light acquaintance.

This response made the people around them more frightened.

"Luo, Luo Sha, aren't you? Could you also be Xinqi's company?" Yuan Xuyi looked at Yun Jian in panic, and asked the questions in the hearts of everyone around him in the presence of everyone.

When Yuan Xuzhen asked, everyone around him came over.

This question asked by Yuan Xuyi was exactly what everyone around him thought, so when Yuan Xuyi asked this, everyone around him looked around.

At this moment everyone in the box looked at Yunjian.

Leaving no one else, Brother Xiong stared at Yunjian from the beginning of his eyes just now, as if he wanted to stare at Yunjian through a hole.

Not to mention others, the crit that Yun Jian brought to everyone was really terrifying.

She is not only the boss of Falcon Hall, the founder of Tintin Bar, but also the boss of Xinkai Company?

Just after Yuan Xuyi said this, Yun Jian wiped her lips, she nodded gently, "Yes, is there a problem?"

Is there a problem?

There is a problem! The problem is big!

Yuan Xuxi almost shouted on the spot.

Yun Jian's killing the tenth killer wolfblade of the original killer list is enough to make people crazy.

This matter was buried in Yuan Xuzhen's heart, and he never dared to say it.

Now Yunjian is not only the boss of Falcon Hall, the founder of Tintin Hotel.

She even ...

Chairman of Xinqi Company?

Oh my god! Do you want to be so bad! She's just a sixteen-year-old girl!

At the age of sixteen, what are you doing?

I'm reaching out to ask my parents for money, I'm enjoying the throbbing and heartbeat of my youth, I'm in love, I'm trying my best to know each other because I like someone.

What about Yunjian?

"Report the profit situation in the past six months." Yun Jian did not stand up on the bench. She looked at Zhang Zhifan sideways and said.

With that said, Yun Jian used his pair of thin fingers to lean slightly on his forehead, and closed his eyes slightly to listen to Zhang Zhifan's earnings.

"In the past six months, the net income of the headquarters company was 100 million yuan, and the net income of the franchised companies was about 50 million yuan, which totaled 150 million yuan. Since January, the net income of each month has been increasing. Probably it is growing to about 5% every month ... "

Zhang Zhifan was not afraid to let everyone in the box know this, he reported to Yun Jianhui in front of everyone.

With each word, the brothers of the Jiugou Gang in the box were dumbfounded.

This company's revenue in the past six months is 150 million, and each month is still rising with a trend of 5% increase from the previous month. If it has been developed for several years, how much money should it have!

And it's all net income!

"How much is the income of Tintin Bar this month." After Zhang Zhifan finished, Yun Jian stroked the amount and asked Xu Zetian again.

"This month's net income is 1 million!" Xu Zetian said.

Obviously Tintin Bar does not have a new start-up company to make money, but this net monthly income of Tintin Bar is enough to scare a group of people.

No wonder, the Falcon Hall does not allow its brothers to steal and steal people's things, let alone collect protection fees and so on.

This is entirely because Yunjian is rich! No need at all!

This teenage girl has hundreds of millions of assets at a young age.

This is a scary thing in this era.

"It doesn't take three days to think about it, my Jiugou Gang joined the Falcon Hall! From then on, I'll do it with you!" Yuan Xuyi was also a rather smart person. He shook his fist and immediately said.

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