Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1486: Is she from the Falcon Hall?

"Huh? It's terrible for me to die?" Yun Jian seemed to hear something interesting. She stopped and looked up at Brother Xiong and others with a hint of interest in her tone.

"Huh! Don't think I'll be afraid of you little girl! I'm from Jiugou Gang! Today our brothers from Jiugou Gang are here to meet, there are hundreds of people, you know, you should apologize, otherwise ...

"Hum, I've burned you out for all the brothers we have, how about it !? Haha!"

Brother Xiong was quite afraid of Yunjian at first, but later saw that he had enough advantages, so Brother Xiong was no longer afraid of Yunjian. He generously offered his hole cards, and then waited for Yunjian to beg for mercy. Already.

Brother Xiong thought that after he said this, Yun Jian would definitely be scared by himself, or immediately kneel for mercy as he did before.

At that time, you can do whatever you want with Yunjian.

But Yunjian didn't.

Yun Jian still hugged her chest, but she looked at Brother Xiong and others quite interestingly.

It turned out to be someone from Jiugou Gang.

This makes Yunjian more interested.

Jiugou Gang is the second gang in Longmen City.

The former dragon gang, that is, when the Falcon Hall was still in the hands of Xu Zetian, the power of the Jiugou Gang had quickly overtaken the dragon gang.

But since Yunjian took over the leading gang and renamed it the Falcon Hall, the Falcon Hall has become the largest gang in Zhejiang Province.

What is the Jiugou Gang? Jiugou Gang may still have a bit of status in Longmen City, but for Yunjian's Falcon Hall, it is simply a piece of dust that is too lazy to clean up.

Even more, Brother Xiong mentioned the Jiugou Gang today, but Yun Jian suddenly realized that there was still a Jiugou Gang in Longmen City.

Brother Xiong said that Yun Jian was silent. He paused and added the last sentence: "You ... you you ... why aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Yun Jian walked in from the door of the box. She picked a leather sofa everywhere and sat down, then supported her chin with her elbows, and looked at Brother Xiong with a sneer.

Seeing Yunjian's laziness is like being in his own home. Brother Xiong looks very unhappy at her, but just looking at Yunjian's delicate face makes Brother Xiong even more itchy.

"Did you hear or not notice? The people in the dozens of boxes around here are all my brothers from Jiugou Gang. There are hundreds of them! Are you a little girl, aren't you afraid !?

"Also, our Jiugou Gang is also the second gang in Longmen City, aren't you afraid? Hehe, I don't believe it!"

Brother Xiong deliberately bit the name of the Jiugou Gang particularly loudly.

The average girl heard that he was a gangster, and she was already pale with fright.

But Yunjian heard the Jiugou Gang and heard that Brother Xiong was a gang! It's like I didn't hear it!

"Jiugou Gang ..." Yun Jian whispered suddenly.

Listening to Yunjian talking about the Jiugou Gang, Brother Xiong thought that Yunjian should be afraid, so Brother Xiong looked up proudly and said:

"Ha ha! That's right! I'm from Jiugou Gang! It should be said that all of our brothers here are from Jiugou Gang! How about this, are you afraid? If you are afraid, take off your clothes obediently, today! If you are comfortable in serving Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will let you go, otherwise ... "

Brother Xiong just said that. Yun Jian's eyes narrowed, she smiled sneerly:

"Jiugou Gang, I almost forgot that there is a second gang in Jiugou Gang in Longmen City. Then I really want to know that your people in Jiugou Gang are leaving their bars and running to my bar in Falcon Hall. Come to the party, what's the intention! "

‘My Falcon Hall ’s Bar’?

Yun Jian's words made Brother Xiong wait for a moment.

Could this be the Yunjian, could this younger sister, who was still young, still be a member of the Falcon Hall?


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