Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1478: Um, give it to me.

Wang Cancan is in an accident. After all, this is his own friend and has nothing to do with Yun Jian. Lu Feiyan doesn't want to trouble Yun Jian, but she can't help it. She usually lives in school on weekends now, without friends and no relatives.

And in the evening, there were six or seven weekend students who did n’t go home and stayed in the school. Lu Feiyan had already gone to each other for help, but no one was willing to help her. In desperation, she had to use the school ’s The landline called Yunjian.

Today's affairs are very important, because if Wang Cancan cannot be saved, Wang Cancan's life will be ruined!

Lu Feiyan knew Yun Jian's ability, and even knew Yun Jian had the ability to protect himself. Therefore, Lu Feiyan called Yun Jian today and asked Yun Jian for help.

As soon as Yun Jian heard that Wang Chancan was in trouble, her mind immediately showed Wang Cancan's friendly face to her.

Besides, when Yun Jian stayed with Lu Feiyan and Wang Cancan, Wang Cancan didn't even ignore Yun Jian because she and Lu Feiyan knew each other.

Generally such a threesome, Yun Jian is always the most embarrassing and easily ignored.

But Wang Cancan didn't ignore her.

Of course, the most important point is that Wang Cancan gave Yun Jian a gift to Qin Yirou. Qin Yirou liked it after seeing it. She just put the apron from Yun Jian on her body and said that she must go to work tomorrow. Go in this apron.

Yun Jian has never selected such a birthday gift. Qin Yirou can like her gift, all thanks to Wang Cancan.

When choosing gifts, Wang Cancan was really attentive. In order to choose a gift that made Qin Yirou happy, Wang Cancan also asked Qin Yirou's hobbies, work, and so on. Finally, he carefully selected and finally reached a conclusion. Choose to buy an apron.

Because Qin Yirou used it at work, and it was also practical.

So Yun Jian said a word to Wang Cancan, saying that he owed her a favor. As long as the conditions were within the scope, Yun Jian could help her.

Now it ’s Wang Cancan ’s favor, Yun Jian is going to: “Wait for me at school, I ’ll be right here.”

"Huh!" Lu Feiyan nodded his head a little, and seemed to have been frightened by this voice.

Hanging up the phone, Yun Jian turned to look at Si Yi, then looked at Qin Yirou, and said, "I'll go out for a while."

After speaking, Yun Jian turned and walked out.

"I'll go with you." Stee said that he would go with him.

At this time, Yun Jian had quickly reached the gate, and Sidi followed Yun Jian, and the two stood at the gate invisible to Qin Yirou.

"I want to bring my classmates together. In a hurry, you just wait for me at home." Yun Jian said to Si Yi.

"I'll go with you." Si Yi was like a child now, and he reaffirmed it.

Yun Jian stomped her feet suddenly, and her people stepped in front of Si Yi, and the others stepped in front of Si Yi, and then left a sweet kiss on Si Yi's lips.

This fragrant kiss was extremely short-lived, but after Yun Jian left the kiss, Sidi did not insist anymore.

"Give me the key and I'll be back soon." Yun Jian's Ferrari was repaired last time, but it hasn't been pulled back from the repair shop. She can only reach out and borrow a car from Siyi.

"Come back and touch me and I'll give it to you." Si Yi held the car key in his hand and made a shameless request to Yun Jian.

Yun Jian shook the corners of her mouth, and because of the urgency, she still shyly agreed to Si Yi's shameless request: "Well, give it to me ..."

This sentence by Yun Jian made Si Yi imaginative.

At this time, Yun Jian also took Lamborghini's car keys from Si Yi's hand, then ran over and jumped onto the Lamborghini sports car to drive to Lu Feiyan's school.

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