Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1472: Black and white upside down, squirting dentures

Yun Jian's words made a group of neighbourhood neighbours in the theater blink.

As soon as Yun Jian's voice fell, Lu Lanhua simply sat on the ground and shouted, "Oh, God! Is there still God ?! Even your own grandma must fight! Too much! Too much! It ’s up to everyone! ”

As she said, Lu Lanhua slammed her own feet, just like a tramp, yelling, but the only difference was that she was stroking her legs, and she went on to say something about it. However, he deliberately omitted his own viciousness of treating Yun Jian and Qin Yirou:

"My dad's legs are broken now! These two are better! One is remarried to a soldier, and now he is going to enjoy the blessing! One is kicking and kicking his own grandma! Is there any logic? Police? Police go Where is it? Call the police to judge!

"You one and two, all come to bully me, this old woman! Bully me, this old woman who has a bad leg, what a reason this day is!"

Lu Lanhua saw more and more neighbors gathering near Qin Yirou's house, and her screams passed more and more.

What I didn't know was that after Yun Gang's leg was abolished, Qin Yirou saw that Yun Gang had been abolished, and then turned to marry Ge Junjian himself.

Yun Jian stopped his own grandma from entering.

Yun Jian hasn't explained yet, Lu Lanhua's words have already made the people around to watch the show point and point.

"Well, I didn't expect Officer Jun's daughter-in-law to be such a woman? I said that Officer Jun had not been married for many years after divorcing his ex-wife. Why was she suddenly married again? The poor place in the township is for marrying.

"Well! I guess officer Ge is married to her, is that all counted? I see that she is a woman who is not on check! She also left her husband who is not good for her legs. I see this kind of woman. It should be dipped! "

"Isn't it? I really didn't expect Qin Yirou to be that kind of person! When I met with us before, I was fine, but I didn't expect it, I really knew what I knew!"

Both in rural and urban areas, there are no shortage of long tongue women.

Whichever something went wrong, these long-tongued women immediately rushed out.

These years, both the rural and the rural areas are particularly crowded out of women who left their original husbands and ran away with others.

Lu Lanhua said that it was a complete reversal of black and white.

Lu Lanhua thought, Yun Jian and Qin Yirou wanted to shake off themselves and Yun Gang? None of this door!

How can a granddaughter develop herself and start a company rich enough to really get rid of herself?

Hum, they are blood-related people!

And not long ago Yun had his legs abolished. Now even the people who went to the hospital for treatment could not get it out. Lu Lanhua thought about Yunjian not giving money, okay! Then she's troublesome! Yun Jian and Qin Yirou's good reputation are over!

People in this era are paying attention to fame. Lv Lanhua is crying and making noises here and sitting on the ground like a beggar. This makes everyone around her believe her.

No one saw Yun Jian's complexion grow darker.

Si Yi did not follow up, because he knew that she could solve such a simple little thing by herself.

Ge Junjian cooks in the kitchen and doesn't know what happened here.

There is only one Yun Yi standing next to Yun Jian.

Because of this, the only people who can stand up and say something are Yunjian and Yunyi.

At this moment, Lu Lanhua saw that everyone around her was helping her, and she said more excitedly.

Yun Jian was not in a hurry to speak, she simply hugged her chest and looked.

After Lu Lanhua cried out after crying for all the suffering that had never happened, Yun Jian's cold voice came over: "Have you finished talking?"

This plain sentence made Lü Lanhua shudder, but Lü Lanhua saw so many people around her, she felt that Yun Jian would not dare to treat herself, so Lü Lanhua said: "How can it be done, your mother abandons The **** woman who got her husband ... she ... "

Lu Lanhua is doing this now, at most thinking that Yun Jian is rich now. If she makes such a trouble, Yun Jian will feel that she has a bad reputation, so she should give herself some money to stop talking.

But Lu Lanhua said here, Yun Jian took a step forward in front of everyone, and she slapped her severely on Lu Lanhua's face. This slap made Lu Lanhua fell to the ground and sprayed out. Dentures in the mouth.

That fierce force almost transformed Lu Lanhua's face!

The people around didn't expect Yun Jian to do this, at this time they all looked dumbfounded.

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