Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1462: How do you know my number

Zhang Zhuti asked aloud, and between the words, Zhang Zhuti's expression changed from the original color to the tightness of the whole body.

The Falcon Hall, like the ancient mercenary regiment, began to number each member.

Each member of the ancient kill mercenary regiment has a number, the first is Yunjian, ranked by strength, record and contribution.

A few days ago, Yun Jian also numbered the Falcon Hall, which was also ranked from these aspects.

In this matter, the Falcon Hall did not stipulate that members cannot expose their own numbers in front of outsiders, but members of the Falcon Hall that are generally lower in number are unwilling to mention this.

Only those with higher numbers are willing to say.

However, those with higher numbers are generally mature and stable, and the candidates are generally selected by Yun Jian or Xu Zetian, because the higher numbers indicate that they are the elders of the Falcon Hall.

So this also caused a phenomenon that people with higher numbers would not go out to brag and people with lower numbers couldn't take the shot, so outsiders didn't know that the Falcon Hall had started to number things.

After hearing Yun Jian's blind words, Gang Qiaoyu had already thought about Yun Yun Jian's words, but after thinking about Yun Jian's words, Zhang Zhuti was really frightened.

Zhang Zhuti was not only scared and pale, he even asked Yun Jian how he knew that the members of the Falcon Hall had a row number?

"Brother, what are you screaming at? She has a number in the Falcon Hall? Why haven't I heard you mention it?"

After Wang Qiaoyu reacted, he said to Zhang Zhuti.

Zhang Zhuti told her everything, especially the bragging.

The reason why Wang Qiaoyu recognized Zhang Zhuti was because Zhang Zhuti's cowhide could lift himself to the sky. Wang Qiaoyu finally thought that Zhang Zhuti was so powerful, so he couldn't wait to be called a brother and sister with Zhang Zhuti. stand up.

Wang Qiaoyu, who can hear the leather, has heard it from Zhang Zhuti's mouth, and has never heard of any serial number, so Wang Qiaoyu opened this mouth.

Yun Jian and Lu Feiyan and Wang Cancan are still sitting in their seats, while Yun Jian is staring at Zhang Zhuti coldly.

Zhang Zhuti was asked at a loss.

"What's wrong, I don't know what number ..." Zhang Zhuti realized that he was out of control just now, and he re-exported to explain for himself.

Needless to say, Zhang Zhuti's number is definitely behind, and the image he erected in front of Wang Qiaoyu is omnipotent, and there is nothing he cannot do.

If his number is reported, all the images are shit.

In fact, he was completely a errand in the Falcon Hall.

Before Zhang Zhuti finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yun Jian again. She looked at Zhang Zhuti and did not have a gentle tone:

"The Falcon Hall has assigned a number for each member. There can be no omissions. If you don't say it, I will use your name to look up the number directly."

Yun Jian's words stunned everyone, especially Zhang Zhuti.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Zhang Zhuti said a moment, then he laughed twice.

"Well, do you say use my name to look up the number? Are you kidding? How do you check? Do you think the people in our Falcon Hall will take care of you? Also check my number! Haha! Who do you think you are? The boss of our Falcon Hall? Hey! "

Zhang Zhuti's laughter came like a silver bell.

Zhang Zhuti smiled, and Wang Qiaoyu laughed.

To laugh at Yun Jian, Wang Qiaoyu likes to do it the most.

The laughter didn't seem to have any effect on Yun Jian. Yun Jian picked up the phone and dialed the landline number of the Falcon Hall headquarters. She directly reported Zhang Zhuti's name.

"Ha ha ha! She also called, yo yo, who did you call! I also want to check my brother's **** **** number, giggle!" Wang Qiaoyu looked at Yun Jian with a smile and was excited. .

However, before Wang Qiaoyu laughed, Yun Jian suddenly reported a series of data: "113905."

"What? You're nervous, I think it's a landline number? Haha ..." Wang Qiaoyu laughed out loud

"I'm going, no, this is impossible, how do you know my number! You ..." Just when Wang Qiaoyu was about to make an exclamation laugh, Zhang Zhuti's complexion suddenly turned black , Shouting.

"Because I am also a Falcon Hall." Yun Jian narrowed his eyes with a smile, and sneered in front of everyone.

"Then what's your number!" Zhang Zhuti's face froze, and he asked Yun Jian back, as if confirming Yun Jian's voice.

But she saw Yun Jian's eyes narrowed a little deeper, and then she paused, smiled, and red arc slightly ticked: "My number is 1."

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