Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 146: Ask the address, Gambler's father (2000 recommended ticket plus more ~)

When they heard Yun Jian's eerie three words floating around, everyone shuddered in their hearts.

Especially Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen, they never thought that Lv Rongrong was one of the masterminds involved in the abduction of Chen Xinyi.

"Where is she?" When everyone thought returned, only listening to Yun Jian's usual voice, only a slight question of Yuan Xiaoyu, there was a kind of chilling coldness mixed in it.

She naturally refers to Chen Xinyi.

Yuan Xiaoyu didn't dare to conceal anything at this moment. She knew that the incident was serious.

Because Yun Jian is the object that makes his brother who has always worshiped uneasy.

Yuan Xiaoyu immediately reported an address, and she looked up at Yuan Xu with a trembling look, pouting: "They originally wanted to tie that little girl first, and then sent someone to send you a letter, leaving you alone Go where they say good, and finally catch you directly "

Before Yuan Xiaoyu's words were finished, Yun Jian turned and left. It wasn't these nonsense that she wanted to listen to.

When she left, she reached out and gestured Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen, and they immediately followed.

"You give me a good stay here and don't go, wait for me to come back and clean up you!" Yuan Xuzhen also pointed at Yuan Xiaoyu's head, and then went out.

He is a clever man, and naturally knows that his sister has made such a serious mistake. If he did not make up for it, how could Yun Jian, who was a senior member of the ancient mercenary regiment, let her go.

So I wanted to do something immediately while I could make up for it now.

You should know that the people who provoked the ancient mercenary regiment are a step closer to death.

The four walked out of the back door and came to the center of the casino.

The shouts of gamblers at the casino just now have become even more intense.

The four people, headed by Yunjian, had just reached the center of the casino. They planned to go out silently, but unexpectedly heard a heart-breaking begging sound: "Please, please do n’t cut my hand , Don't cut it! I go home, I go home to get money "

It was a hissing male voice, with a sense of regret in it.

There are still people who have lost their hands and feet in the casino.

Especially the best casinos, this place known as the first casino in Longmen City, this kind of thing is as simple as a daily routine.

Yun Jian crossed the place directly, but Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen showed a look of horror.

"No, don't cut it, please, please, Yunjian? Yunjian! Daughter? My daughter, she, she is my daughter!" At that moment, the hissing voice begging for forgiveness suddenly seemed to see some hope , Shouted straight to Yunjian.

Yun Jian actually felt a little familiar when he heard the sound for the first time, but he didn't care.

But when this voice shouted in front of everyone, Yun Jian only reacted, and at the same time she raised her eyes and looked at it, and saw a very sloppy look with a long unshaven beard on her chin. A ten-year-old middle-aged man came running towards him.

Yun Jian's look was clearly seen.

Although it is more embarrassing than the father in the memory of the original owner, it is not difficult to see that this person has never seen her since she was reborn, but has left the family a **** trouble.

Her physical father, Yun Gang.

When Yun Gang saw Yun Jian, why can't he care about why his daughter is here? He ran back behind Yun Jian and looked out to see that he had just won himself, but he couldn't take it out. Those who lose their money through gambling have a slight tremor in their hands.

Zhang Shaofeng, Ling Yichen and Yuan Xuxu were surprised that this middle-aged man would admit his relatives casually.

It can be seen that Yun Jian did not push this person away, but when there was a silent indifference, a few people felt a shock in their hearts.

The timid man like a slug in front of him is actually Yun Jian's father?

how can that be?

Yun Jian's crowd was so crowded, and even Yuan Xuyi was speculating who could give birth to such a powerful daughter.

I never thought she had such a gambling father!

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