Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1449: Things resolved, dad didn't see

The four characters of the Dark Soul organization hit the hearts of the people, and everyone present was stunned by the four deadly words.

At this moment, everyone looked at the handsome, handsome man.

The words that Syi said made all the people in the room frightened.

"Dark, dark soul organization !?" even Glenn, who was still flustering himself, yelled.

By mistake, panic, for a moment, all panic emotions came to Glen's mind.

Glenn is not an ordinary person. He is the boss of the underground black market in Europe and the United States. He is the symbol of underground forces in the entire European and American territory!

Standing in front of them, Shaolu Yu and others exclaimed Glen, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

This man, it should be said that Ge Junjian's son-in-law had a relationship with the dark soul organization?

And because of this, can Dark Souls be called to fight Glen? This shows that Sidi is definitely not an ordinary member in the dark soul organization! So to say

Could it be that he was ...

"You! You are the head of the Dark Souls organization! She is the No. 1 instant **** in the international agent rankings!" Glen was really smart, and he asserted the identity of Si Yi and Yun Jian at once.

"The leader of the Dark Soul Organization? He, he, he is the leader of the Dark Soul organization !? And Yunjian is the first **** of the international agent rankings !? How is this possible! This is completely impossible!" Hei Mei's unbelieving eyes and pupils suddenly tightened, and she screamed on the spot.

Hei Mei never thought about this.

Even Ge Junjian's eyes agitated.

"Oh, nothing is possible! Do you think I don't know Moments? Her every move cannot be imitated by outsiders. Every time she appears, she is not the same face!

"There are Dark Soul organizations, do you think that Dark Soul organizations can be fought by anyone who says they need to fight a certain organization! Only the leader of Dark Soul organizations can direct the entire Dark Soul organization! Hehe! Don't think I can't Come out! I ... "

Glen knows that he can't escape. The world's number one in the rankings of the special agents and the leader of the Dark Soul organization are here. If he can survive, it is really a miracle!

The day he stood in this position, Glen knew he would have today!

But before he died, he had to make Yun Jian and Si Yi in a dilemma, especially this group of criminals, they don't know! Ha ha! In fact, their two most wanted criminals are the two people in front of them!

"Hahaha! Since you ruined me! Then I won't make you feel better! I can't do anything else in my life, but I know exactly what people look like at first! At that time, the deity spoke and acted. It ’s a perfect match, if she is n’t an instant god! Fart! She ... "

Glen also plans to say something more.

Just before Glen's words were finished, he was hit by the muzzle of a silver pistol drawn by Sidi, and died directly.

On the way, Glenn didn't even have a chance to respond.

The reason why Glen can mix with the underground black market leader in Europe and the United States is because he has a powerful assistant named Kenasson.

Kenasson's strength is enough to compare with the third person in the international agent ranking!

However, Si Yi shot, the Dark Soul Organization does not lack such powerful characters. The four leaders of the Dark Soul Organization can kill Kenasson at any time.

So today's Glen, there must be no doubt!

"Yunjian, you ..." Yu Shaoluo and others had not yet recovered from the shock Glenn had just brought to everyone.

But before a few people returned, Yun Jian and Si Yi quickly came forward in a tacit understanding, splitting them up before the crowd reacted.

Those who stunned did not include Mu Ying and Ge Junjian.

After Yun Shao and Hei Mei drank the three-hour oblivion made exclusively by Celadon, Yun Jian stopped.

They cannot have memories, because Yun Jian still needs to live in country Z and military school.

The fewer people know the identity of her and Si Yi, the better.

Fortunately, the three-hour forgetful bottle made exclusively by Celadon can make people forget the three-hour memory painlessly, and there are no sequelae.

"Small note, what did you give them?" Ge Junjian opened his mouth and said.

"Forgetting liquid, they will forget what happened within three hours," Yun Jian explained.

After Yun Jian's explanation, Si Yi continued to Ge Junjian:

"As a member of the Interpol Brigade, your father-in-law should very urgently want to get rid of the forces of the underground black market in Europe and America. Now that the underground black market in Europe and America is completely eradicated, you can go back to the Interpol Brigade to report."

Speaking of this, Sidi paused for a moment, and then he continued to say to Ge Junjian: "This is my first gift to honor your father-in-law, I only need a small note."

This father-in-law screamed smoothly.

Saying that he held Yun Jian's hand tightly in front of Ge Junjian.

Yun Jian's cheeks turned red.

"Dad can't see anything, yeah, Dad's old eyes are getting more and more dizzy recently! Little girl, let's go over there, cool down there!"

Ge Junjian opened his eyes and talked nonsense. At the same time, he also asked Mu Ying to hide with him.

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