Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1427: It ’s no exaggeration to say she ’s a god

When Yun Jian said these words, the audience was stunned.

Whether the chasing Yu Shaoluo's instructor, Lin Ying, or the new roommate in the same room with Yun Jian, Ning Caidie, and the classmates who are participating in the food festival all around, Yun Jian said this madness The words were astonished.

The people around were surprised and frightened, far from the horrors of Yu Shaoluo's instructors.

European and American underground black market boss, is indeed a man named Glenn!

And just now Yu Shaoluo just said to Yun Jian that her dad and a group of Interpol wanted to capture the boss of the underground black market in Europe and America, but was arrested, Yun Jian said the name of the boss accurately!

Even if he is studying in a military academy, a male student who is more concerned about international events may not be able to know the name of the boss in the underground market in Europe and America.

Although Yun Jian is the killer of the king team, in the final analysis, she is only a 15-year-old girl!

Even if Yun Jian is more powerful, how will she know! ?

Immediately, the people around him were holding Yun Jian towards the military helicopter dock there.

Seeing Yun Jian walking towards the military helicopter dock there, Yu Shaoluo responded quite quickly, and stopped when he came over.

"Yunjian, do n’t be excited, I know you are a little bit able, but Glenn ’s identity is not ordinary! How many internationally renowned agents have been sent by the Interpol Brigade to lurk in the underground black markets of Europe and the United States. Seize it!

"You are so impulsive, not only can you not save Lao Ge, you will even lose your life!"

Yu Shaoluo spit out these words with trembling eyes.

As a special soldier protecting the country, they face danger at all times. Yu Shaoluo and Ge Junjian have known each other for a long time. He wants Ge Junjian to come back alive than anyone else.

But Yu Shaoluo knew better that Yun Jian was Ge Junjian's current daughter, and Ge Junjian even spoiled this daughter more than his own son!

Yu Shaoluo wants to save Ge Junjian, more than anyone else! But he couldn't catch Yun Jian's life!

The atmosphere of the food festival suddenly dropped.

Yun Jian knew that Yu Shaoluo said this for his own good. After all, if he was really just an ordinary girl, it would be quite dangerous to rush to the rescue.

This is true.

But she is not an ordinary girl, not only the killer of the king team.

Tomorrow is Qin Yirou's birthday, but something happened to Ge Junjian.

How can she tell Qin Yirou? Did she keep watching Ge Junjian's accident, and she clearly had the strength to save Ge Junjian and still not shoot?

This she can't do!

Even for Qin Yirou, Yun Jian must also be shot!

"If I don't move, who of you can rescue my dad? So let it go!" Yun Jian didn't explain too much, she pushed Yu Shaoluo away, and people ran to the military helicopter.

"Hey! Yunjian!" Several instructors Yu Shaoluo also chased after seeing this.

"What is this, what is this ..." Ning Caidie asked stupidly.

"Well, what fun did she run to do? Really thought she was a superman? Ha ha!" Cheng Jiaojie, sitting on the bench, played with the mobile phone in his hand, and said coldly.

Cheng Jiaojie didn't like being in Min City Military Academy, and even took everyone who hated Min City Military Academy.

"She's not Superman, she's a god! An existence that no one can surpass!" Mu Ying glanced at Cheng Jiaojie, she said something lightly, and then went to the side where Yun Jian ran.

"She, they don't have anything to do, right?" Lin Ying was scared, but she wanted to keep up.

A slender hand grabbed Lin Biao ’s robe, and I do n’t know when Leng Hanzhe came over. After grabbing Lin Biao ’s robe, he told everyone: “Yun Jian will be fine, she will drive a helicopter. , Free access in the Amazon forest.

"It's no exaggeration to say that she is a god."

Suddenly Leng Hanzhe said these words, and Lin Lin, Ning Caidie, Meng Xiaolian, all the students standing around were surprised to open their mouths.

Will Yunjian drive a helicopter?

You can also freely enter and leave in a horrible place like the Amazon Forest!

Cheng Jiaojie closed his mouth on the spot.

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