Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1420: Deserved reputation

The female teacher trembled, her **** were huge, and she was trembling all the time. The female teacher had a big breast, but her belly was bigger and her **** were trembling. The fat on her belly was more fierce than the breasts.

The female teacher said that she would not give Yun Jian a chance to talk to Lin Ying at all. Instead, she would speak more fiercely, and what she said was like a machine gun. She did n’t even have a chance to breathe for a while. give:

"You girls, you always know how to dress yourself and dare to come to school in such a short skirt? We are fed by the military school! Do you understand that? Don't treat yourself like a chicken who is full of flowers.

"The boys in our military academy will fight for the cause of the country in the future, but they will not fall in love with you, such girls, and waste yourselves! You female classmates, leaving a good high school, do n’t miss it, and come to our military academy. Isn't it just to seduce our male classmates to fall in love with you? "

The female teacher Zhou said more and more outrageous.

Yun Jian herself doesn't know the military school's school rules, but since she was wearing a short skirt and violated the school rules as Qin Yirou said today, she is not the kind of person who ignores school discipline rules.

Yun Jian has taken over the value book and black pen from the value teacher, and plans to write her own name and class on it.

Since she made a mistake, she is not the kind who refuses to admit it, but this female teacher is like killing her, and she hasn't stopped talking from the beginning.

This made Yun Zhi, who had originally planned to write his name and class on the weekly book, stop.

"Hurry up, write your name and class! Violating the school rules and regulations, it's time to deduct points!" The teacher Zhou Zhou saw Yun Jian stop writing, and she frowned angrily.

"Teacher, we are first-time offenders, and are freshmen in high school. We did not learn the school rules and regulations. My friends will not wear short skirts in the future. Do you think you can do this?" Say something.

Generally, the first one or two weeks of school time is for students to adapt to the school's discipline and rules, and to adapt to the rules of the new school. Even if the name is recorded during the week, this point will not be deducted.

Because the students enter a new school, they definitely need to adapt.

But this time Zhou Nu's teacher intends to directly deduct Yunjian's grades, so Lin Ying is not convinced.

"As a student, how dare you talk back to the teacher?" The female teacher said aloud to Lin Yue immediately.

Female teachers have always thought that military schools can only be a place for men.

A girl like Yunjian, like Lin Yan, ran to a military academy to go to school. What did this do?

A little girl, who ran to the military academy to go to school, what else could they do besides wanting to catch a man?

Let them train for strength, even if it is the easiest way to stand in the military position in the morning, I am afraid they will be fainted.

If you have been training for a long time, you have to hate that you will turn black, and you need to apply sunscreen or something before training.

Isn't that what these girls say are coming to military school?

Why don't I leave a good ordinary school and go to a military school to suffer?

Isn't it just to hook up with male students?

The female teacher thinks more and more that girls like Yun Jian and Lin Ying are abominable. She just wanted to insult Yun Jian and Lin Ying with a more exaggerated tone.

There was a male voice beside him: "Oh, Yun Jian? Why are you standing here?"

It was Yu Shaoluo, a comrade in arms of Ge Junjian, who was also an instructor at the Min Military Academy.

As soon as the female teacher saw Yu Shaoluo appeared, she froze on the spot, and just wanted to correct Yu Shaoluo's viciousness.

As a result, Yu Shaoluo patted Yun Jian's shoulder and praised him:

"Yunjian, okay, you won the first place in the field survival activities. Only the three girls in the freshman of the whole school were sent directly to the elite class. Haha, the killer of the king team really deserves its name! You are terrible!"

When this remark came out, the teacher Zhou Nu who just wanted to correct Yunjian's disobedience was dumbfounded on the spot: "Teacher, instructor kills the god? It is she who killed the **** you said!"

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