Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1417: Three hours, forgetting the liquid

Leng Lingling, a group of obedient girls embraced by their parents, will never understand. How did they survive when they survived in the light of the sword and cruelly killed the world.

Maybe for them, the best life is not to live better tomorrow than today, but that I am still alive tomorrow and I am not dead.

After listening to Yun Jian's rather serious words, Leng Lingling swallowed a breath, and she was clearly convinced that the current Mu Ying was undoubtedly not the previous Mu Ying.

After all, Mu Ying was a good friend with her when she was young.

Since Mu Ying was in a car accident when she was a child, she has changed. She often hides herself in a small corner by herself, and ignores her brother Leng Hanzhe.

Since then, Leng Lingling hated Shang Muying.

Perhaps at that time Leng Lingling did not hate Mu Ying, but simply felt that he did not want to play with Mu Ying.

Later, Mu Ying refused to promise to be with her brother Leng Hanzhe, watching her brother Leng Hanzhe pay so much for Mu Ying, but no return, Mu Ying began to dislike Shang Muying a little.

Until I got the exact answer just now, Leng Lingling believed directly, because the difference between Mu Ying and Mu Ying after the accident was too much.

But Leng Hanzhe is different. Leng Hanzhe does not believe it, because he is unwilling to accept this fact.

"Er, is the world you live in really terrible?" Leng Lingling murmured after hearing Yun Jian's words.

Yun Jian didn't care about cold spirits this time, but smiled coldly.

"Yunjian, we ..." Mu Yingchao Yunyun stood not far away and signaled.

When Yun Jian saw Mu Ying's gesture, she suddenly realized.

Then Yun Jian walked towards Leng Lingling.

Mu Ying went to Leng Hanzhe.

Seeing Mu Ying approaching herself, Leng Hanzhe thought her Ying Ying was back.

"Yingying, are you planning to follow ..." Before Leng Hanzhe finished, Mu Ying flashed to Leng Hanzhe, and she split Leng Hanzhe with a cross.

"Brother! You ..." Leng Lingling saw this, and she was stunned by this accident, and was just stunned by Yun Jian as soon as she spoke.

Then Leng Hanzhe was stunned in the past.

The memory of these people can not be retained, especially they already know that Yunjian is the first instantaneous identity of the international agent ranking.

After the group was stunned, Yun Jian took out three chemical solvent bottles from his bag.

The liquid in these chemical solvent bottles is a three-hour forgetful liquid recently developed by Celadon.

A little bit of this liquid can make a person forget all that he has encountered three hours ago.

This is the latest product developed by Celadon. It is unique in the world and it is not for sale. Instead, it sent three bottles to Yunjian.

Yunjian is the first moment in the ranking of agents, because Jennifer revealed that now not only Leng Hanzhe, a group of people who want to forget, but also those who come with the tour group, must also forget these things.

So after stunning Leng Hanzhe, Yun Jian took a drop of liquid for each of them.

Then he asked the mad dragon to stun everyone in the tour group and gave everyone three hours of forgetfulness.

It's close to the entrance to the Amazon forest. This group of people faint here and they are not afraid that no one will find it.

Yunjian used only one third of three bottles of the three-hour forgotten solution.

After Yun Jian rescued that savage from the nearby Wildlife Institute, and then brought the savage back to the savage tribe, it was already ten in the evening.

Leng Hanzhe, including one-way Jie and everyone in the tour group, was fainted here, apparently forgetting everything three hours ago.

At this time, several people in Yunjian also went deep into the Amazon forest.

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