Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1414: Crazy Dragon Muying, know each other

Yun Jian swallowed his throat.

Originally, Jennis was an accidental character. Yun Jian did not intend to dispose of Jennis, and even planned to draw Jennis to the ancient mercenary regiment.

After all, if a character like Jennis is drawn to the ancient mercenary regiment, the forces of the ancient mercenary regimen will surely double up!

It has to be said that since the ancient killing mercenary regiment had dispossessed the former ancient killing mercenary regiment BOSS, that is, the group of old guys, the forces of the group of old guys have been completely resolved.

Of course, the sequelae of this is that now the forces of the ancient mercenary regiment have not adjusted for half of the time.

So Yun Jian's favorite thing to do now is to draw people into his ancient killing mercenary regiment.

Ke Siyi so disturbed ...

When I thought so, a hand appeared on my thin waist.

Si Yi held Yun Jian in his arms with a big palm. He stuck the Yun Jian, and his mellow voice came from top to bottom: "Small note, what do you want?"

"How did you kill him?" Yun Jian frowned.

Seeing that, Yi Yi sank, "Is it good to kill?"

"I wanted to invite him to join the ancient mercenary regiment." Yun Jian said his intention.

"Small note, in fact, as long as you serve me, the entire dark soul organization is yours, and I am yours too." Si Yi did not hold back, he murmured softly against the earlobe of Yun Jian.

Of course, these words above are Yun Jian and Si Yi's whisper. People around can only see that Si Yi killed Jennis, and then walked to Yun Jian and posted to her, and nothing else was visible.

Yunyi's face turned rosy with Stie's words. She quickly pushed Tieyi and thought of the business again: "Where's the crazy dragon?"

"It's over there." How dare he not listen to the words of his wife-in-law and not bring the mad dragon over, Stewart pointed to that side.

Yun Jian looked sideways, and saw the mad dragon coming from the side, which was very lazy.

Yun Jian could clearly see that Mu Ying, who was not far away, saw her face froze slightly when she saw the mad dragon.

Mu Ying was still small when she died, only about nine years old.

The mad dragon was still small at that time.

The appearance of a person changes with age, but the silhouette of a person does not change much. Some people can see at a glance who this picture is when they were young. This is the reason.

The moment Mu Ying saw the crazy dragon, she was stupid. She opened her mouth and suddenly thought that she was no longer her original self. She didn't even have her own body! There is only one consciousness left!

This consciousness was originally transferred by the abnormal doctor to this little girl!

I am now walking like a dead body! What else is right to see him?

Leng Hanzhe could clearly see Mu Ying's face changing when he looked at the crazy dragon, he had a very disturbed feeling.

"Yingying" Leng Hanzhe looked at Mu Ying. He just wanted to go forward to help Mu Ying, but Mu Ying ran to the deep forest without touching him.

The mad dragon standing in the distance felt Mu Ying's eyesight, and his somewhat lazy gesture suddenly converged a little. When he glanced at Mu Ying, he had a sense of familiarity.

Yunjian knew that Kuanglong and Muying were affectionate when they were in the organization. Later, Muying died. Kuanglong killed the group who lied to him and failed to get him back to rescue Muying's friends. Until today, Kuang There were no women around Long.

not a single one.

Since Mu Ying's death, the only thing left in the crazy dragon world is to kill, kill, and kill.

He only knew how to paralyze himself by killing him.

Suddenly Yun Jian approached the crazy dragon, she motioned to Mu Ying, who said, "Do you remember MY?"

Yun Jian didn't break, but the mad dragon suddenly came to his senses.

In the next second, the mad dragon will spread his legs and chase away at Mu Ying

Mu Ying ran very fast. Her strength stayed at the age of nine. After being extracted by her abnormal doctor into this body, she did not give up exercising, but she knew that she was not a complete person now, let alone Go see the mad dragon.

She doesn't even have her own body!

Mu Ying ran faster and faster, and ran faster. In the end, she didn't even notice the vine on the ground. She was tripped over by the vine, but she didn't know the pain, so she sat silently on the ground and let the tears flow down. .

She didn't know what she was crying.

"My silly girl, I have been looking for you for more than ten years, and you are still as silly as before." Suddenly, a soft male voice came from behind.

Mu Ying turned around. She knew who the male voice was, but she didn't dare turn around.

Only the master of the male voice crouched down, grabbed her from behind, pulled her from the ground with one hand, and circled her in her arms.

Mu Ying's body was stiff, she wanted to struggle, but the man who circled her behind did not let it go. He said, "Don't move, let me hug."

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