Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1412: All records turned into nothingness

The response from the people around Yun Yun was ignored, Yun Yun waited for what she had just said, and then she let go to suppress Janice's hand.

At the same time, she stretched out her feet, and immediately when Janice reacted, she kicked her on the waist of Janice's back, and slammed him forward.

Anyway, Jennis was not an ordinary person. He was so surprised by Yun Jian that he stood firmly two steps forward, turned around under the eyes of everyone, reached out and wiped the corner of his mouth, then looked at Yun Jian.

"The instantaneous **** who ranks first in the ranks of the world-class agents is actually mixed in this group of waste people, which is really unexpected to me! Hey!" Jennis also uncompromisingly looked at the sky above Yunjian, He spoke suddenly.

He actually said that the people present were a bunch of waste?

The people around had just recovered from fear, and everyone listened to Janice's words, but all the people present were just afraid to speak.

Jennis is the self-proclaimed second killer on the killer list!


That would kill people! And also the second killer on the killer list!

"Talk about your purpose." Yun Jian stood still calmly, her eyes narrowed, her looks seemingly lazy, but she was more vigilant than everyone present.

Jennis is not a good control person, he is completely different from the mad dragon and Pete.

How can the second character in the killer ranking be a weak one?

If he is a weak person, the killer ranked second in the rankings, don't even think about it, he will definitely fail.

After all, the top three people in the killer ranking or the agent ranking are in line with the strength of the remaining killers or agents in the top ten.

In other words, being able to climb into the top three places, all over the world, wherever you hear its name, it is a dreadful and fearful existence.

"Giggle, I don't have any purpose, just want to ask you something." Jennis didn't sell anything, he said to Yun Jian in front of a group of dumb-eyed people around him.

Everyone around originally thought that Yun Jian was also a powerful character, so she must also reach a consensus with the same powerful Janis.

After all, everyone knows the principle of having one friend and one enemy.

Just when everyone thought Yun Jian would agree with Janis, and the moment he made a good relationship with Janis, Yun Jian's words came suddenly:

"You know, with your skill, you are not qualified to offer me terms."

Yun Jian's words came with a hint of madness.

Everyone around was stunned.

But listening to Janice continued to Yun Jian: "Well, then, we can only face up!"

Having said that, Janice reached out and took a Browning pistol out of the travel bag he was carrying all the way.

Holding the Browning pistol in his hand, Jenis pointed his muzzle at Yunjian.

When the Browning pistol was seen, all the people around him were agitated.

"Gun! It's a gun! Ah !!!" The most responding of them was Leng Lingling. When Leng Lingling saw the pistol, she screamed and held her head, trying to escape.

Leng Hanzhe, Guo Yan, Liu Yun, He Liqing, and Shan Chengjie and Ren Zongwei just wanted to escape, but they heard the sound of Yunjian's unswerving voice: "You think this alone Can you beat me with a gun? "

Yun Jian's voice fluttered softly. When she said it, it surprised everyone.

Jennis's expression sank. When he just wanted to say something, the male voice from the side overwhelmed all the voices. The male voice suddenly came out: "Hand on my woman in front of me, Jay Nice, everything you have done in the past will turn into nothingness! "

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