Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1410: The response is still so fast

When Leng Lingling asked this, his tone was still cautious, so it seemed that he was afraid of asking what he should not ask.

From the perspective of Leng Lingling, Bora is also a very talented person who can know the deeds of such a powerful character, so Leng Lingling also has a clear admiration for Bola's attitude.

"Well, she is definitely the most powerful character on the Agents list and the Killer list!" Bora nodded solemnly to the cold spirit.

"By the way, what is the underworld organization you just mentioned?" At this time, Guo Min grasped a detail of what Bora had just said and asked.

Just before Guo Yan asked, Bora answered patiently for Guo Yan:

"The Dark Soul Organization, which is the first killer organization in the world, has the same status as the Ancient Killing Mercenary Regiment. If you accidentally provoke the Dark Soul Organization or the Ancient Killing Mercenary Regiment, you will be madly chased. Kill! Even the characters on the agent or killer charts are powerless to resist! "

Speaking of agents and killers, Bora was very patient.

Rarely meet people interested in the stories of agents and killers. Bora now wants to tell Leng Lingling and Guo Yan what she knows.

"Does that include the most powerful Moments you just said?"

When it comes to Moments, the spirit of the cold spirit is full of admiration, as if it is about someone who admires himself. The tone of the cold spirit even becomes careful.

Ever since Bora, Leng Lingling, and Guo Yan mentioned Moments, Yun Jian's ears have always heard sounds coming in.

Yun Jian listened, but didn't say a word.

But he heard Bora's voice and then came: "No! Sudden God is an exception! Even if Suede provokes the people of the Dark Soul Organization, the Dark Soul Organization did not withdraw her. As for the ancient killing mercenary regiment I said before That is the power of the gods! "

After listening to Bora's words, Leng Lingling and Guo Yan could not help but take a breath.

At the end, Bora also said with emotion: "I think that Sushen can have today's achievements, thanks to her unique talents, she can easily get to where she is now. This talent is really enviable. ... "

Bora's emotions silenced Leng Lingling and Guo Yan.

Just then, Yun Jian snorted suddenly, and she smiled secretly: "Talent is different? You can easily get to where you are now? She can only get there today by chance."

She refers to the moment **** of the previous life, the self of the previous life.

"What do you know? You are just an ordinary girl in a military school. Do you really think you are the No. 1 saint in the rankings of agents? I keep talking about it, and I think you ca n’t see any other people in this world. ! Jealous! "

As soon as Yun Jian finished speaking, Leng Lingling's words caught up.

Yunjian didn't want to bother about this, and Yunjian had just taken one step forward.

At this time, no one saw that Bora, who was standing behind Yunjian, had found the closest place to Yunjian. He suddenly took his fist and rushed towards Yunjian, and that fist was about to fall directly on Yunjian. !!

No one had expected such a change, but in the thrill of the crowd present, she saw that Yunjian walking in front of him turned sideways like a conditioned reflection. She stretched her hands and turned her fists as fast as lightning!

The next second, her fist actually caught up with Bora's sneak attack!

However, this is not over yet. Yun Jian's fist collided with the one that Pola had just hit, and her hand flexed like a snake body between Pola's wrists.

Within three seconds, Pola's weakness was caught by Yunjian, and she dragged and held down Pola with one hand, and by the force of her hand, Pola slammed on the ground!

The time for this change will never exceed five seconds!

Within five seconds, the people present had not responded yet, Yun Jian had subdued his own attack on Bora, ending this war!

After everyone reacted at the scene, they were stupid, and everyone did not expect Yun Jian's skill to be so robust.

However, at this time, I heard Bora's voice, and what he said was enough to scare everyone in the room. Horror: "Oh, God, it really is you! Two years, your reaction is still like this rapid!"

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