Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1406: King of the jungle, king of the savages (2000+ words)

The guide was obviously shocked when he saw the group of savages suddenly out of the woods.

The reason for this shock is that these savages are actually savages named Savage Tribes.

The savages of the savage tribe are no different from ordinary humans, but there is one difference. Although the people of the savage tribe are not much different from normal humans in terms of appearance, their lifestyle is completely different.

Savages of the Savage Tribe are accustomed to wearing clothing made of animal skins. Even weapons are the most primitive bows and long weapons.

Savage tribes also have their own language of communication, and Savages are often as ferocious as beasts.

Although it is known that there is a savage tribe in the virgin forest somewhere in the Amazon, guides never worry about encountering savages.

That's because the savages of these savage tribes have divided areas, except for a few virgin forests in the Amazon, they never enter other areas.

They are the king of the jungle in the virgin forest, and in the Amazon forest, they have their own territory.

They will not leave their own territory to find food in other places, and they will not allow outsiders to intervene in their territory.

If they enter their territory, they will actively attack humans who have entered the territory by mistake.

If you want to ask these savages so fiercely, why not subdue them with modern technology guns?

There is only one explanation for this problem, that is, in the Amazon virgin forest, this group of wild talents is the king of the jungle. They are familiar with the terrain, know how to use the terrain to avoid guns, and they will even jump like a monkey through the branches of the forest. .

So the guns didn't shoot at these savages.

Stray into a savage tribe, a taboo for walking inside the Amazon forest.

The role of the tour guide is to avoid the risk of entering the savage tribe by mistake and take tourists to visit the Amazon forest smoothly.

But this group of savages who have never been out of the savage tribe's own territory will appear here today, and surround them, obviously not friendly.

At this moment, even the tour guide didn't know the reason.

"Coo coo, coo coo!" The savages started talking in their own words when they appeared.

Yun Jian squinted, she didn't move.

After listening to the tour guide's words, the terrified Leng Lingling suddenly turned and screamed, "I don't want to be eaten." He was about to run. As a result, the talent was stunned by a savage just two steps away.

Within a short while, dozens of people present were suppressed by this group of savages.

Yunjian and Muying also did not fight.

This group of savages was very large. They soon tied dozens of people in Yunjian with vines and took them to the savage tribe.

By the time it was taken to the savage tribe, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and dozens of people in Yunjian were exposed to the sun. The group of savages crowded to the stone cave with their long weapons.

"What the **** is this place, will we be eaten ..." Just crying out, just after being put down.

With the cry of Leng Lingling, dozens of people around him were frightened immediately, and each one looked very bad, and they were all worried about what happened next.

Yun Jian's eyes narrowed, and she looked around with a slight touch in her heart.

It's the same as before, and nothing has changed.

Just when I thought about it that way, I saw the group of savages surrounded by a savage who was older and came out of the cave.

The savages murmured their own language.

The older savage was clearly the leader of these savages.

After the savage leader came over, several savages moved large pots from the stone cave.

Seeing these big pots, Leng Lingling couldn't hold back anymore, she said in tears: "He really wants to eat us, I don't want to be eaten, I don't want to, ohh ..." Shouting, she desperately broke free of vines, but couldn't get out of trouble.

There were dozens of savages around the savage leader Chao Yunjian.

At the same time, the savages said Barabara in a mouth that was incomprehensible.

But after a while, the pots were set on fire, and the pot was just the size to fit a living person.

Seeing this, not only the cold spirits, everyone yelled.

But the vines are quite strong, and no one can break free of them.

The savage leader didn't know what to say, and savages had already come to Yunjian dozens of people.

As the savages walked into Yunjian's dozens of people, Yunjian suddenly gave a scream at the savage leader.

Even if they were to be eaten, there was a sequence, Yun Jian shouted, and the savages immediately noticed Yun Jian's side.

There are a few cold spirits beside Yunjian.

Leng Lingling was scared to say a few words, but Yun Jian shouted successfully to attract the attention of the savages.

"Are you crazy! You want to die, don't drag us down! You have to die yourself to die!" Leng Lingling cried and yelled at Yun Yunjian.

Several people around Yun Jian also hated Yun Jian instantly.

So one by one started to point out that Yunjian was not.

However, at this moment, he saw the savage leader over there suddenly, and he hesitated, walking towards Yunjian's side!

An even more shocking scene happened, but after seeing the savage leader take two steps to Yunjian, he shouted in shock, then stepped forward and walked towards Yunjian, three steps away from Yunjian Mi far away, knelt down and knelt down.

The savage leader stretched out his hands and bowed heavily to Yun Jian.

The other savages saw their leaders kneeling towards Yun Jian, so they followed one by one.

The next moment, all the savages bowed down to Yun Jian.

The scene was sensational and shocking, and also upset everyone with Yun Jian.

Even the guides were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Others don't know, but as a tour guide, he is very clear.

The savages of this group of savage tribes have never bowed their heads to any human being, and the humans who strayed into their territory are like their wanted criminals, and will be hunted by them wildly.

Usually driven by savages, if you want to survive, the odds are very poor.

These savages are kings of the jungle. They are familiar with the terrain. They can defeat any powerful master by virtue of the terrain and long-term wild survival experience.

However, as today, kneeling at a human being is a strange thing that tour guides have never heard of since ancient times!

So the tour guide's eyes widened.

Everyone else who was with Yun Jian who was present was staring with wide eyes, unable to describe in shock.

Each pair of eyes stared at Yun Jian, like that, they seemed to want to be explained, and they wanted to know what was going on.

"Why are they all kneeling towards Yunjian? It's impossible that she is not their king? Isn't this savage just obedient to what they think is the best king? Why isn't Yunjian their king!" One way Jie's surprised eyes were almost falling.

For a while, the audience was silent!

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