Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1385: People want to pursue, their dreams

Mu Shuang especially liked the feeling of pairing a perfect person like Yunjian with the same very perfect man.

So although she didn't say a word, her hands were already held together, like a witness, about to witness the birth of a pair of tadpoles.

After listening to Si Yi's words, somehow Yun Jian heard the smell of gunpowder from Si Yi's words.

It was that kind of thick, full of possessive gunpowder.

It's almost as strong as the gunpowder smell left over from a rocket launcher she played before.

"You are so busy that you can't use it." Yun Jian pursed her lips, and she opened her mouth the next second and said such a sentence.

But Yun Jian has just finished speaking, and there is a muffled sound from the other side: "Xiao Jian, I'm not good these days when I've been away? Hmm? Wait for me to come back and take care of you."

The word 'clean up' doesn't sound like a normal clean up.

It's more like the tone when a couple flirts.

There is also a longing for people who want to be intrigued.

After listening to this, Mu Shuang grabbed a pillow and stuffed her head into the pillow.

Did she hear what Si Yi said to Yun Jian!

She's still young, don't have a pinhole!

Yun Jian's face was obviously rosy.

After the silence, she continued to say something like: "I'm going back to Longmen now, talk back later."

"Okay." There was a word of muffled sound from Si Yi over there.

Yun Jian's face was slightly ruddy.

This made Mu Ying look a little surprised.

Obviously, Sidi at that end was not satisfied.

When Yun Jian was about to hang up, she suddenly said five words to Sidi on the other side of the phone: "I'll wait for you to come back."

After speaking, she hung up the phone the first time, then stood up.

"Wow, my sister and her husband have such a good relationship!" Mu Shuang, who buried her head in the pillow, raised her head and applauded, blinking mischievously.

Yun Jian said nothing at all, Yun Jian was ruddy and moistened his face, and then said to Mu Ying and Mu Shuang, "I'll go first", carried a schoolbag and walked out the door.

"Hey, my sister blushed!" Mu Shuang smiled at Mu Ying when Yun Jian left.

At this point, Yun Jian had not heard.

From Minlong back to Longmen City, took a bus for about an hour or two.

I haven't been back to Longmen for a month. When Yunjian arrived in Longmen, it was just over nine o'clock.

Qin Yirou has not finished work.

Qin Yirou had already quit her job for a long time and had been a housewife for a long time at home, but suddenly she felt that as a housewife at home, there was no social area.

If people don't go out, they don't even know the outside world.

Coupled with staying at home, the children have gone to school. Although they also go out to exercise, people who do n’t know much have nowhere to go.

Although Mrs. Yang and Qin Yirou were very speculative before, it was certainly unrealistic for Chengtian and Mrs. Yang to walk together.

Considering his social circle, Qin Yirou simply went to another job.

The job Qin Yirou found this time was an employee of a flower shop.

The salary is 800 yuan a month, which is very good for the flower shop employees in 1999.

This is not the same as being a floor sweeper at Xinjian Company in Yunjian. The main thing is that it is easy to work as a flower shop employee, so Qin Yirou now works at the flower shop.

The employees at this flower shop are usually middle-aged women in their 30s and 40s.

This flower shop is the largest flower shop in Longmen and it takes up a very large area.

Qin Yirou was chatting with a woman of the same age who was arranging flowers.

The woman of her age is OK, and like her, she came out to find social circles.

However, the difference is that this woman is quite fashionable. By contrast, Qin Yirou wears all goods.

Women do not know the family of Qin Yirou's family.

The woman, Liu Shan, is a native of China. She has a son at home and is currently in high school.

Parents and parents standing together are inevitably talking about their children.

So is this woman named Liu Shan.

"Yirou, I heard that your child has just finished the senior high school entrance examination. Which high school in our Longmen city did your child pass?" Liu Shan looked at Qin Yirou and asked with a little confidence.

Parents in Longmen City like to talk about grades.

Whoever has a good high school entrance exam, this child will be successful.

Poor grades, or failing to pass a good high school, will be considered a lifeless, scum of the bottom of society!

"My daughter was admitted to the Min City Military Academy." Qin Yirou smiled and said.

"What? A girl ’s family has been admitted to the military academy? Yirou, so you came here with your daughter Hu? A girl ’s family should not take a high school, and then graduate to find a stable job and marry. Good people?

"What's your daughter thinking, don't you give advice?"

When Liu Shan heard it, she was surprised, and then a series of words came out.

"The military academy is for me to test. My mother will never oppose me choosing the way I like to go." At this moment, a beautiful female voice came from the door.

I saw Yun Jian walking in with a schoolbag from the outside of the flower shop door. She said lightly, and her good looks attracted the praises of countless employees of the flower shop.

Until walking to Liu Shan, Yun Jian smiled indifferently and said softly: "People should pursue their dreams. If they blindly choose what they don't want to do, it will increase many beggars on the street. "

Liu Shan is the kind of person who judges a child's achievements by looking at his achievements.

Under her education, her son was admitted to one of the worst schools in Puglia, but she was proud.

Because there are still many people whose children can only enter the vocational high school.

But after listening to Yun Jian's words, Liu Shan's face froze slightly.

Why does she seem to be talking about her own son who was forced to learn by herself ...

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