Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1373: Brother Mu Shuang, don't be embarrassed

Hearing Mu Ying's words, Yun Jian's eyes touched slightly, she walked over and touched a bunch of butterfly knives on this shabby little desk.

Then there was death-like silence.

Quiet like a water stop.

At this moment, even Mu Shuang and Leng Hanzhe, who were standing aside with doubts, couldn't help holding their breath.

Just when Mu Shuang and Leng Hanzhe thought that Yun Jian wouldn't speak, they heard Yun Jian's calm but soft voice sound:

"I like it very much."

This sound sounds very ordinary, but compared to the sound made by Yunjian in the past, it is a lighter tone.

There is a space for people to be in endless imagination.

Mu Shuang's heart followed with a slight tremor.

"Just as much as you like." Mu Ying turned her head and smiled at Yun Jian.

The way two people talk is common, ordinary like a stranger they just met.

But both of them gave Leng Hanzhe and Mu Shuang the same feeling as their old friends.

Although I don't know why this feeling happened, Leng Hanzhe and Mu Shuang were completely shocked.

They didn't even know why they were shocked.

Until a husky, roaring, roar came outside the cabin, the people reacted.

"What? Sister Murou, someone bullied you? Who is it? Who bullied you?"

The male voice was a little hoarse, like a yelling shouting from his throat.

After a while, Mu Rou's soft grievances came out of the cabin: "No, no one bullied me, and cousin Mu Ying did not casually lead strangers into the backyard ..."

The sound came out, and several people standing in the log cabin in the backyard could even imagine Mu Rou's pitiful appearance.

"What? Mu Ying led a stranger into the backyard? But our Mu family ’s secret training ground! She wants to let everyone in the world know that our family has a training ground? I will go to teach her now ... ... "

The rude male voice yelled angrily, and then the voice of the male voice's master was walking towards this side.

"Let's go out first," Mu Ying heard, she frowned slightly, and then said to Yun Jian.

"Um." Yun Jian nodded.

When the two were going out of the cabin, they heard Mu Shuang's surprised voice coming out: "Well? How many butterfly knives are there? I just counted twenty-one?"

As soon as Mu Shuang's words fell, Yun Jian opened her own clothesline and showed her the butterfly knives inserted around her waist.

I do n’t know. At first glance, Mu Shuang was stunned for a while, then she regained her mind after a while, then stared at Yun Jian:

"When did you hide the butterfly knife? I just clearly saw that you didn't do anything and how can you hide so many butterfly knives that it looks like nothing is hidden! This is too great .. .... "

Mu Shuang's words were exactly surprised by Leng Hanzhe.

Yun Jian smiled, and she walked out of the cabin threshold alongside Mu Ying without leaving a word.

After Yun Jian and Mu Ying stepped out of the door of the cabin, they saw that the owner who had just made a rough voice was standing in front.

This man was in his twenties, and in a military uniform, looked quite handsome.

Seeing Mu Ying standing next to a girl she didn't know, the man in the military uniform frowned. Murou stood beside him.

After the man frowned, he turned to look at Yun Jian. He shouted to Mu Ying in a furious voice: "Mu Ying! Did you bring this stranger into our backyard!"

Talking, the man clenched his fists in both hands, making his fists click and rattle, majesticly.

"Brother! This sister is amazing! Don't embarrass her!" Mu Shuang, who ran out of the cabin at this time, rushed to the man, grabbed the man's arm, and told the man.

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