Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1359: To walk freely, it is a swamp

"I'm not mistaken when you go? Two girls have been to the Amazon Forest? This is teasing me! Do you have passports? Can you go abroad? I don't believe it!"

Just a moment ago, he always took the lead in shouting. A man from a martial arts military school who looked sullen and shouted took the lead in shouting, and then looked at Yunjian and Muying with a sophisticated look.

The expression of disbelief on that face was felt by everyone present.

"Yeah, if I rest on a big man, I can still believe that you, a girl with two thin arms and thin legs, will not believe me if you are killed!"

Standing next to this sulking boy, the other boy who walked closer with the sulking boy also laughed loudly.

The former was named Wu Bukui and the latter was named Ma Xiaoyao.

Both of them are good boys among the well-known freshmen in Wulin Military Academy, but they are not bad boys.

In particular, Wu Bukui, during military training, attracted a lot of girls 'admiration because of his outstanding performance, and secretly ate many girls' tofu.

In Wu Bukui's own words, that is, he wants all the pretty girls!

When he saw Yunjian just now, he felt good.

But boys, especially those who are in their puberty and are in the strongest stage of enthusiasm. Whenever they hear that a guy is better than themselves, they want to compete.

Not to mention that there are girls who are better than themselves.

If a girl is better than herself, of course she will not admit it.

Unless the girl can convince herself orally.

Originally Lin Yi just wanted to ask Mu Ying, but she didn't expect that the boys in Wulin Military Academy would interface, so she stomped angrily.

However, Mu Ying ignored the boys at all, and when she didn't hear the words of the boys, she said directly to Lin Yi:

"That was a long time ago. Yunjian and I stayed in the Amazon Forest for half a year. When I first entered, let alone food. Even if there was no dagger in the capital, I was in a place like wild animals in the Amazon Forest. Entered and met the cheetah group ... "

Having said that, Mu Ying suddenly turned her head and asked Yun Jian: "Yun Jian, what was the first beast you encountered when you entered Amazon?"

At this time, Mu Ying asked Yun Jian's words, but there was a sense of nostalgia when she traced back to the dangerous memories of the past.

That feeling of fear and nostalgia.

"Cobra, about a hundred." Yun Jian pursed her red lips, and she looked back at Mu Ying.

"Hahaha, what about cheetahs and cobras! What international joke!" Mu Ying and Yun Jian had just finished talking, and the boys at the Wulin Military Academy, led by Wu Bukui and Ma Xiaoyao, started laughing again.

Just as a group of people moved forward two more steps, Yun Jian suddenly raised his head and said, "Stop!"

Being appalled by Yun Jian, everyone around him stopped frightened.

Yun Jian yelled loudly, and Wu Bukui was startled before he could react.

"I'm going, what are you crazy, little girl?" Wu Bukui shouted.

"Go forward again, it is the swamp, sink into the swamp, no one wants to survive." Yun Jian said coldly.

"Hahaha! Is it still a marshland? Isn't the road ahead normal? Are you kidding? Still looking for existence to find out the feeling? Is your Min Military Academy just capable of this?"

This time, the girl named Xu Wei who had a quarrel with Lin Shuya just sneered at Yun Yunjian.

Obviously, Xu Wei was very upset that Yun Jian drew all the boys in their martial arts military school into the past.

"You have to go, feel free." Yun Jian didn't look at Xu Wei. She crouched down, picked up a big rock from the ground, and smashed the big rock on the ground ahead.

I saw that the flat land, which seemed to be a normal road, suddenly subsided, and then "swallowed" the big rock to the ground.

Xu Wei, who wanted to ridicule Yun Jian just now, was directly shocked.

The other classmates also stopped quickly, one by one, their faces paled instantly.

This seems to be completely different, but it is really a swamp!

Yun Jian is really right!

And if it's not Yunjian, then all of them present will not ...

Thinking of this result, everyone in the room swallowed hard.

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