Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1342: The blade passes without leaving blood

This beautiful female voice seemed to have a little magical power, so that everyone present was stunned by God, one by one, affected by the voice, all backed away and gave way.

At this moment, the fast and lightning-like figure shuttled from a dozen peasants and ran straight to the wild boar, which was as big as two adults, not far away.

"God, that's a little girl! She'll die! So many of us aren't opponents of that boar!"

"Little girl, come back soon! Come back!"

When more than a dozen farmers saw that the visitor was just a teenage girl, they all shouted in panic.

In the distance, a group of people hurriedly arrived, including the instructor, Leng Hanzhe, Lin Shuya and others.

"Crazy and crazy, this little girl is afraid to be crazy! Save people! Come with me to save people!" When several instructors saw the growth of the wild boar over there, one of the instructors rushed over here first.

Look at the faces of these instructors, all of them are extremely dark.

Several instructors are senior instructors from all over the country, which is naturally different from ordinary instructors.

So several instructors reacted quickly and chased after Yun Jian.

"Hum, let her do it! I think she's still dead under the boar, and wants to hurt our instructors! Shameless!" Lin Shuya just said angrily.

"Ming, take care of your cousin, don't talk nonsense!"

When Leng Hanzhe heard Lin Shuya insulted Yun Jian with such a tone, he knew that Yun Jian was very unusual for Mu Ying.

Leng Hanzhe and Han Ming are friends again. Both of them are members of the Student Union of the Min City Military Academy, so they usually make better friends.

Lin Shuya is Han Ming's cousin. Leng Hanzhe doesn't know Lin Shuya, but she knows Han Ming very well, so in this case, Leng Hanzhe looked straight to Han Ming and said.

"Hey, Zhe, my mouth is on my cousin's face, I can't control it ..." Han Ming heard it, and he waved helplessly towards Leng Hanzhe.

"Slap!" But before Han Ming had finished speaking, a sharp applause came.

This slap flew directly to Lin Shuya's face, and she threw Lin Shuya to the ground in public.

Leng Hanzhe and Han Ming did not respond at all.

After the response came, Mu Ying, who had been cold, solemnly warned:

"I have blood on my hands. If next time I hear a second sentence from your mouth saying she is not, I don't mind making you one of my dead souls!"

Mu Ying has killed many people, although it is less than one percent of Yun Jian, but after all, she has lived to the age of nine in the dark soul organization.

Nine years old, that is, Mu Ying lived in the Dark Soul organization for four years.

If you can live in the Dark Soul organization for four years, there will not be fewer people killed!

The previous life's Mu Ying is one and a half years older than Yun Jian.

Now Mu Ying's body is smaller than her previous one, but it is exactly the same size as the current Yunjian.

Otherwise, according to Mu Ying's actual age, it should be eighteen and a half.

Mu Ying's energy was very fierce, so Lin Shuya jumped heartily.

But Lin Shuya was in her heart.

Lin Shuya just wanted to stand up and insult Mu Ying, ‘you lie to me is useless’.

Suddenly horrified by the figure in the distance.

But I saw Yun Jian in the distance in front of many instructors, farmers, and classmates who followed him, and pulled out the ordinary butterfly knife from his small schoolbag.

She clasped her butterfly knife in the palm of her hand, and she ran towards the boar quite flexibly.

The wild boar flew towards Yun Jian when he saw this.

The two figures coming and going made people in the distance unable to hold their breath.

However, I saw Yun Jian passing by the wild boar, and everyone in the distance could not catch Yun Jian's figure at all.

Even the crowd didn't even see Yun Jian's movements, she flashed past the boar and stood behind the boar.

Then she gently threw the bloodless butterfly knife back into her small schoolbag.

Everyone was surprised.

That wild boar hasn't been killed yet, why is she?

"Eh!" As the crowd thought so, the wild boar suddenly screamed, and then fell to the ground within the range that everyone could see.

After everyone responded, each one widened his eyes.

Her knife, her speed, was even faster than the speed at which wild boars were stabbed and spewed red blood!

There is no trace of blood on the tip of the knife!

This is how fast you need to do!

Is she really just an ordinary female student!

At this moment, even the group of senior instructors who tried to catch up to stop Yun Jian stopped directly, dumbfounded.

Not to mention others.

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