Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1340: So are you still not leading the way?

Mu Ying is usually in front of a few people in Leng Hanzhe. Since being rescued by a perverted doctor in a car accident eight or nine years ago, he has been cold and indifferent.

Sometimes she often sits in a small corner, lowers her head, and her dark eyes keep staring at the ground, making people wonder what she is thinking.

Since then, Mu Ying has been weird, and she has always been quiet in front of everyone.

In front of Leng Hanzhe, he can still understand people.

Today I heard that Leng Hanzhe and Lin Shuya questioned Yun Jian's strength. What Mu Ying said in front of a few people in Leng Hanzhe can be regarded as the most spoken sentence in these years.

So Leng Hanzhe froze, and what surprised Leng Hanzhe even more was Mu Ying's words.

"What, Yingying, what are you talking about? She once lived barefoot in the Amazon forest for six months?"

Leng Hanzhe froze, Lin Shuya was stupid, and all the students around her were stunned.

Even the instructor who had accompanied the crop-han to the boar stopped.

Everyone looked at Yunjian as if eating.

Look at Yun Jian's body with thin arms and legs.

The Amazon Forest is one of the world's most diverse forests. At the same time, there are various crises in the Amazon Forest.

Just thinking about it shows how dangerous it is. If ordinary people enter the Amazon forest, they may not be able to survive for three days.

Not to mention six months.

This whole six-month period is not to say that you don't need to encounter dangerous species in it, and then just count the time to live.

For six months, I need to eat every day, and face a variety of venomous beasts.

Yunjian survived there for a full six months?

"How is this possible! How could she live in the Amazon Forest for six months! How old is she and she ..." Lin Shuya wanted to find a rebuttal against Yun Jian's powerful words, but she said, her words changed Some words are incoherent.

"Cousin, you have to say a word, even you masters like Taekwondo, Sanda, Judo dare not go to that kind of place? She is a woman, how could it be ..."

Lin Shuya didn't want Yun Jian to be noticed. She was anxious to find any words to deny Yun Jian's power, and even drew the topic to her cousin Han Ming.

"You girls, don't talk nonsense. The Amazon Forest is not the place you want to go. Depending on your age, I'm afraid you don't even have a passport?

"You can't go abroad without a passport. You're afraid you haven't even gone abroad? So don't talk nonsense ..."

Han Ming also has a very powerful show-off. He doesn't want and can't see people who are better than himself, not to mention the other party is a girl.

After listening to Han Min's words, everyone around seemed to understand.

I was afraid that Mu Ying was fantasizing about Yunjian himself, right?

How old are they? I ’m afraid I do n’t even have a passport? Moreover, they are all ordinary students who have passed the junior high school entrance examination. How could it be possible to spend time in the Amazon Forest for six months?

The more important thing is that normal people will go to the Amazon forest insanely.

This is simply unrealistic!

The words of these people, Yun Jian ignored, she went straight to Jia Han.

Mu Ying didn't bother to say anything, she followed Yunjian.

Lin shuddered and walked up with his long legs.

"Sure enough, huh? Ha ha, I imagined that I had been in the Amazon forest for six months. Who wouldn't believe this! Who really believes you are a fool ..."

Seeing this, Lin Shuya thought that Yun Jian and Mu Ying had been pierced by herself and her cousin, so she lost her face and went to the side.

As soon as I thought about it, I saw Yun Jian over there walking towards the cropped man standing next to the instructor.

Yun Jian reached out and grabbed Jia Han's collar and dragged him out. She looked coldly in front of everyone and said:

"You came to ask for help, but it was affected by other irrelevant things for a full minute. In this minute, if I attack your companion instead, I can make your companion die a thousand times! Ready to lead the way. "

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