Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1324: I have n’t let you, long memory

The chunky middle-aged man dropped from the helicopter by the handsome man with a deep scar on his neck was the president of Country B, Pierre.

Peel is the president of country B.

There was someone on the head of the village of Rumada. When the President was traveling before, the Rumada villager had seen Pierre far away from the place where the President was traveling.

So Mr. Lumadah can recognize Peel as the president of their country!

Country B has a small land area but a large population, which is also a major cause of poverty in country B.

Country B is also a country. Peel may be a big man who has never seen a person in his life.

So suddenly seeing Peel, the head of the village of Lumadama and others were shocked.

In particular, the head of the village of Lu Madama just now has denied the fact that Yun Jian knew Peel.

Suddenly he saw a strange man throw Peel off the helicopter.

Seeing this, the head of the village, Mr. Lu Mada, couldn't help thinking at this moment: Could the man with a scar on his neck who dropped Peel from the helicopter be incompatible with Yun Jian?

Just when he thought of it this way, Peel, who had been thrown to the ground, had already risen from the ground.

Mayor Lumada and others did not respond.

At this time, the snow eagle standing on the helicopter jumped handsomely from the helicopter at least five meters above the ground, and landed on the ground steadily.

After the snow eagle jumped down, the snake lizard also jumped off the helicopter.

"You ... you found someone, you should, should let me go ..." Peel watched Snow Eagle and Snake Lizard walk past him, he shook himself a little The sturdy body was fat and asked weakly.

It's just that Snowhawk and Snakes simply ignored him.

Snow eagle and snake lizard walked in front of Yun Jian in the presence of the head of the village of Lumadama and others.

Xueying went to Yun Jian and Si Yi and shouted, "Mrs. Young, Master."

The snake lizard shouted 'Sister Sister' directly.

From the appearance of Snow Eagle and Peel just now, the head of the village of Madama Lu and other people have known that Snow Eagle and Snake Ba are the people of Yun Jian and Si Yi.

So I wasn't so surprised at the moment, but I still sweated.

In particular, the head of the village of Lumada, you should know that the head of the village of Lumada just brought all the villagers with a **** to find Yunjian.

Because Mr. Lu Madama heard someone, that person said that a small person like Yun Jian would have appeared in such a small place if he had known President Peel!

The man said that Yun Jianba's achievements were bluffing!

So Lu Madah rushed over with his hands, and he tried to find Yunjian trouble.

Yesterday Yun Jian interrupted his good deeds, and he didn't listen so well.

The head of the village of Rumada has always been in his heart.

But the moment he saw Peel, the head of the village of Rumada even had a kind of character that he should not provoke by mistake.

Therefore, the village chief Lu Madama swallowed a hard breath and did not dare to speak again.

Seeing the two men who had been abducted forcibly called Yun Jian and Si Yi with respectful words, Peel was not stupid. He immediately responded. Yun Jian and Si Yi were their bosses.

Peel held his belly up.

After all, he is the president of state B. Naturally, he cannot show his fear.

So Peel ordered to Yun Jian and Si Yi: "Who are you? Why kidnap me? I now order you to hurry me up, otherwise this is my country. When my soldiers chase here, they must. .... "

Before Peel finished, Yun Jian, who was standing opposite Peer, laughed, and then she said:

"Peer, it seems that four years ago hasn't made you memorize it? Do you need me to kill all your ministers before you can rest in peace?"

Yun Jian had just debuted shortly after, and her mission was to assassinate his minister.

Peel was scared to eat.

Peel hasn't heard a girl's tone for such a long time.

This girl's tone ...

How could he resemble the woman in his memory who killed countless ministers under his control and finally gave away half of the country's gold and silver treasures?

Peel frowned, and next he suddenly looked up, looked at Yunjian with a horrifying look, and shouted, "You, you, you, you, you, you must be ..."

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