Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1267: This horse it's mine

The man spoke in an absolute tone, and his speech was full of a surly tone.

The boy is about 17 or 8 years old. He looks like a high school student and should be a relative or friend of a classmate in the Yunjian class.

After the boy said, someone immediately answered: "Wow, are you Cai Lin's cousin Cai Yi?"

The boy, Cai Yi, heard that someone knew him, so he nodded his head very much, "Yes."

"Hey, it turns out that you are the cousin of class Cai Lin who said very good horse racing. I also heard what you have participated in. The provincial horse racing has won a second prize!"

The student who asked Cai Yi just now said that when he heard that he was a horse racing expert he had heard of before, he was passed on.

Especially under the circumstance that horse racing is about to take place now, this person worships Cai Yi even more.

"Hey, I just won a second prize. As long as I insist on racing horses every day for three years, anyone can do things." Cai Yi also felt that the firepower was not enough, he said very modestly. One sentence.

Sometimes the more modest the words are, the more high-profile they are.

Cai Yi is so modest in order to show her high profile, that's all.

Cai Yi's words were heard by more students around.

So the students praised them.

"It's amazing. Look, people from other people are also trained. For three years, it's really amazing to be so persistent!"

"I really admire him! It can be called a school grass!"

The surrounding classmates started to talk, which made Cai Yi even more perplexed.

It's like he's really an amazing person.

Zhang Shaofeng was indignant here, but Yun Jian came to the horses. She squinted and stretched out her hand to untie a horse tied to a rope: "I'll choose it!"

"Well, little girl, this horse is not easy to handle. This horse is the fiercest horse we have. Whoever puts it on his back will fall down within three seconds. Only top horse trainers can barely manage it Ride on its back!

"If you go up, you'll break your leg!"

Uncle Zhang saw Yun Jian untied the hot horse's rope, and he hurried over to stop it.

"Uncle Zhang, why don't I come and tame this horse. Although I am not the best, I have also studied for three years."

Cai Yi heard Uncle Zhang's words, suppressing his beating heart in his heart, he walked over from a distance and said to Uncle Zhang.

"This" Uncle Zhang looked embarrassed.

"Uncle Zhang, rest assured, I can definitely!" Cai Yi said very confidently.

He waited to shine in front of everyone!

"Okay." After listening, Uncle Zhang nodded for two seconds and agreed.

Yun Jian didn't say anything, she stood still and watched Cai Yi dragged the horse in front of everyone.

Because of Uncle Zhang's words, everyone around him looked nervously over here.

Uncle Zhang said that this horse can only be tamed by top horse trainers!

And Cai Yi's current action is obviously challenging whether he can tame this ferocious horse.

So the people around were all attracted to it, and at the same time they looked nervously at the scene that was about to happen.

Cai Yi felt that everyone around him looked at himself, and he couldn't wait to express himself.

So Cai Yi simply grabbed the reins and forcedly stepped on the stable to sit on the back of the fierce horse.

As soon as he sat on the back of the fierce horse, the fierce horse growled and shook madly.

Cai Yi held it for a few seconds. He desperately held the reins, but he was thrown directly to the ground by the horse in less than three seconds.

Cai Yi stood up quickly, holding back the pain, and then he deliberately explained: "This horse is really a strong horse. I don't think anyone here can tame it anymore ..."

This has just been said, everyone saw a small figure flashing in front of everyone.

I saw Yun Jian stepping forward, she rushed to the horse from a distance in three seconds, and then kicked her legs severely. The whole person turned over directly, and even stepped on the horse without going to the horse. Back.

Then in the same second, she reached out and grabbed the reins of the strong horse. At the moment when the strong horse roared wildly, she grabbed the reins and used the reins to restrain the restless horse in the shortest time.

Until the horse was completely quiet and tamed by her.

Even the needle at the scene could be heard on the ground. Yun Jian was sitting on the horse with the reins, her arc lips ticked, and then she looked down at the crowd, like a general who spoke amazingly. Eight words: "This horse, it's mine."

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