Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1260: I pay for everything

After listening to Qi Xiaoxiao's words, both male and female students took a breath.

"Wow Qi Xiaoxiao, your boyfriend's house is so powerful? It's worth tens of millions!" A girl's eyes glowed with Xiaoxiao's mouth.

As soon as the girl finished speaking, another boy said, "People Qi Xiaoxiao's identity is different from before. She is now the wife of Shengyuan Company in the future! In the future, the entire Shengyuan company should be her!"

When the boy said this, there was another loud ‘oh’ sound around.

Qi Xiaoxiao listened even more to the boy.

It happened that the boy also said: "Qi Xiaoxiao, after flying Huang Tengda, don't forget us!"

The following sentence exclaimed everyone around.

Although Yun Jian's status as a senior special soldier is shocking, compared with Qi Xiaoxiao, who is likely to be the wife of Shengyuan in the future, the students still prefer to tie Qi Xiaoxiao.

Because Qi Xiaoxiao will become rich.

People are very realistic. In the face of interests, what reputation is not worth mentioning at all.

Qi Xiaoxiao gently took a cup of tea under the praise and pursuit of everyone, and drank it like a lady.

Yun Jian was not affected by the atmosphere here, and she was talking with Chen Xinyi at the corner of the dining table.

"Master, after you go to the military academy, you are going out to study in the city. You must come back to see us later!" Zhang Shaofeng said reluctantly.

After all, this friendship for almost a year, it is not that you can forget it.

"Yeah Jianjian, we are in Longmen City, studying high school, you have already left Longmen City now, you have to go to high school outside, you must come back to see us when you have time!" Handwriting.

"Yeah, yeah, and me, Shao Feng and Xinyi both entered a high school!" Ling Yichen interjected at this time.

Looking at the expectant faces of the three, Yun Jian nodded and smiled, "Well, I will."

Counting out, she came out of Xinjiang Town, and the first friends she met when she arrived in Longmen City were Zhang Shaofeng and Chen Xinyi, and Ling Yichen didn't know each other long.

And to this day all three have been with him.

However, Yun Jian knew that there was no banquet in this world, just like Lu Feiyan at the beginning.

When they meet, they always meet.

People must go alone in their lives, no one can go to the end with oneself, because everyone's life and experience are different, no one can make a conclusion.

"My boyfriend is here!" Just then, Qi Xiaoxiao, who was sitting at the table next to Yunjian's table, suddenly looked excitedly at the door, then stood up and ran.

For Xiaoxiao, she can change because of her boyfriend.

And now she has her boyfriend, so she becomes confident.

Qi Xiaoxiao was an ugly girl at school, and she did n’t know how to dress up. Now that she is out of school, she will be able to dress up and know how to dress herself.

Now it is even more bold to humbly explode the property of his boyfriend, and then exclaimed a group of people around.

This feeling made Qi Xiaoxiao very satisfied.

Yun Jian did not look up, but the three Chen Xinyi looked over there.

I saw a man in his early twenties wearing a pair of ragged pants standing at the door.

At first glance, the appearance of a bad boy.

Qi Xiaoxiao rushed to hold the man, and then showed off to everyone: "This is my boyfriend Lin Zihang, all the expenses for classmates today, my boyfriend pays!"

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