Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1184: This butterfly knife is an extermination blade

Everyone present was taken aback by this scene.

Sidi he even crushed a living person cruelly! Not even the bones!

What kind of ability can this be?

He didn't even get close to Mu Rongyu's body. He squeezed Mu Rongyu's whole body in such a pinch!

"Ah! Ah! Patriarch saves life, Patriarch saves life!" The juniors of the Murong family rushed behind Murong Jing, desperately asking for help, and couldn't stop shaking.

"We are wrong, we will never dare to fight against the witch family, patriarch, save us, save us!"

The juniors of the Murong family almost did not scare out of urine, at this time hiding behind Murong Jing one by one, desperately asking for asylum.

When it came to the innocent young girls of the Wu tribe, the juniors of the Murong family never softened.

There was a brutal killing in Yun Jian's eyes.

She came to Yulong mainland not for the Witch tribe, but because she heard that the person behind the fiery fire organization, the mysterious man came from Yulong mainland.

But why at this moment when I saw that the people of the Wu tribe were insulted by the Murong family, they would germinate from the bottom of my heart an impulse to remove all the Murong family.

It's as if your bottom line has been violated.

"Today, I will use your Murong family's blood to wash away the shame of my Witch tribe for thousands of years!" Yun Jian said coldly, and at the same time she took out the indestructible butterfly knife from Satana from her body. .

As soon as the scabbard was opened, Yun Jian shook the butterfly knife, easily facing it to the Murong family.

Her cold eyes seemed to have a strange luster, which made the juniors of the Murong family tremble, scaring the whole person to twitch.

However, what scared the Murong family was not Yun Jian's move, but rather

When Murong Jing saw the knife in Yunjian's hand, his body, which had been paralyzed sitting on the ground, suddenly cheered up.

"That ... that blade is the blade of extermination!" When Murong Jing saw the knife in Yun Jian's hand, Xiao Ran was as scared as a pug.

"How ... how is this possible? This God of Destruction Blade is only a legendary artifact in the legend. People who are rumored to have it can slay the gods of the Deity Land with their bare hands!

"Don't say that in the Royal Dragon Continent, even in the Deity Continent, there is probably only Lord Shenjun who can resist!"

Murong Jing looked at the butterfly knife on Yun Jian's hand, and scared the whole man to twitch.

After hearing the words of Murong Jing, the people around them also turned pale.

Destroyed the sword, everyone on Yulong mainland has heard of it, because it is a legendary artifact!

Those who own it can even kill the gods from the **** continent at will!

So when he heard what Murong Jing said, everyone present was straightened.

The extermination blade is a legendary artifact, just like the fairy treasure rumored on the earth by people, it is something that does not exist in the world! It's a legend!

But today, it really appeared!

Headed by Murong Jing, the Murong family, as well as everyone in the Wu tribe, took hold of God.

Yun Jian was also a little surprised, but her uncle never showed on his face.

Didn't expect that the family heirloom of Satana turned out to be an artifact of the continents?

Enough artifact to kill the gods?

Standing on the side, Si Yi only raised her eyebrows slightly, he was not surprised, just looking at Yun Jian, his beautiful face scratched an indescribable indulgence.

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