Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1182: Such as return, Murong family

Yun Jian's words made Murong Jing tightly frown.

Looking at the teenage girl in front of her, Murong Jing always felt that the momentum of this young girl was above her!

Intuition tells Murong Jing, she, he can't mess with it!

"You are?" Murong Jing frowned gently and asked.

However, just when Murong Jing asked such a sentence, Yun Jian over there suddenly lipped.

Before Yun Jian talked, the people behind the Wu clan shouted fiercely:

"Master Witch God! Lord Witch God! Lord Witch God!"

The Wu people are extremely excited at this moment!

Everyone of the Wu tribe hates the Murong family.

Even many women of the Wu tribe standing here have been attacked by the Murong family, and many women have lost their innocent bodies because of being forced by Murong family men.

To the Murong family, the Wu people can't bear it anymore!

In the Royal Dragon Continent, the survival of the fittest, respect for the strong, and being bullied after being weak, this philosophy is deeply rooted!

At this moment, Murong Jing suddenly heard that the Wu people called Yun Jian as Lord Wu Shen, and he scared the whole person to straighten his body.

"You ... are you Lord Wushen?" Murong Jing stretched out his fingers and pointed at Yun Jian, surprised that he couldn't help himself.

As for the Murong family, they heard the title of Yun Jian by the Wu people.

A few juniors didn't know that Lord Witch God's ability was original, and now they giggled and laughed.

Especially Murong Yu, his smile is even more intense.

"Hahaha! This young girl is the Lord Witch God? It is the legendary Witch God of the Witch tribe? Is this a joke?

"I thought the Witch Lord is an old woman! Do you Witch people just find a beautiful chick to make up the number?"

Murong Yu giggled, and at the same time looked at Yun Jian with a sloppy look, and the evil flickering between those eyes was clearly visible to everyone present.

However, he saw Mu Rongyu staring at Yun Jian's gorgeous face with unwilling eyes for a few moments, and then sneered:

"Chick, you look so beautiful. Would you like to follow me? Yeah, I'm good at making sure I can keep you up ..."

Before the last word "tian" was spoken, Mu Rongyu felt suddenly that an invisible palm gripped his throat and grabbed him from the ground.

"Khekeke" Mu Rongyu was startled, he desperately reached out and wanted to break away from the invisible palm.

Seeing not far away, Si Yi reached out his hand, and he lifted Murong Yu from the ground with his mental power.

"My woman, can you waste like this waste?" Si Yi said coldly, and there was a terrifying killing in his eyes as he spoke.

"I beg Lord Wushen, Lord Shenjun to take charge of our Wu tribe. The shame of my Wu tribe for thousands of years, such as returning to the Murong family!" Wu Lan stood behind Si Yi, and at the same time she knelt directly towards Yun Jian and Si Yi Come down and shout loudly.

All the Wu people knelt down towards Yun Jian and Si Yi, who stood in front of them, and then shouted desperately:

"Please, Lord Witch God, Lord God Lord, for our witch tribe, the shame of my witch tribe for thousands of years, such as the number of offerings to the Murong family!

The people of the Wu tribe tried their best to shout. For a time, the shout shook the sky.

However, both Murong Yu, who was choked by his mind with his spiritual strength, Murong Jing, the patriarch of the Murong family, or the owner of the Murong family, were completely stunned at this moment.

"God, you are Lord King !?" Murong Jing looked at Si Yi, and he was scared to kneel on the spot.

He is the Lord God from the **** continent! ?

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