Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 118: Coquettish, Yantai venue

After the boy with a little yellow hair opened his mouth, a group of boys and girls around laughed.

Apparently, it was against Zhang Shaofeng, a male brother, who was actually a weak and weak girl like Yun Jian as a teacher.

"Go! Gu Ye, do you know Mao? My master is not an ordinary person!" Zhang Shaofeng waved her hand to Gu Ye, snorted, and kept facing Yunjian.

Gu Yan?

Yun Jian kept silent, even if this group of people were talking about herself, she didn't think it was necessary to speak out of insignificant matters.

But when she heard the words "Gu Ji", she couldn't help but look at the guy with a small yellow hair called "Gu Ji".

Could it be so coincidental?

This Gu Gu in front of him is Mayor Gu's grandson?

Suddenly Yun Jian remembered the words of Mayor Gu when he told him to meet his grandson.

Combined with the little yellow hair in front of him, wearing a pair of ragged pants and flower clothes that he considered fashionable, Yun Jian was relieved when he had a bad boyish style.

The feeling is that even the mayor Gu can't control his grandson's rebellious behavior?

Men and women at this age are very rebellious.

In the previous life, Yun Jian was in the blood of a sword and gun. Her only wish every day was to be able to live to the next day. In that kind of environment, she had never experienced the rebellious period of youth that ordinary children should have.

"Your master is not an ordinary person. Can it be two different people? Hehe, she has no more arms and legs than us. What can she teach you?" Gu Yan has no other bad thoughts, but just wants to be among girls Play handsome in front of him to show his prestige.

Zhang Shaofeng listened to Gu Xi's vilification of his master, and now confronted Gu Xi's brother.

The two chattered until the time from the start of the ring race was about to stop arguing.

A group of people hurried up the hill.

As I drove along the mountain road all the way to the mountain, I also heard Gu Yan's loud and proud voice.

"My grandfather is a little social with our underworld boss in Longmen City. I heard that tonight ’s ring event, the underworld boss has sent a very young woman against a foreigner who almost squeezed into the international ring event. Tonight The Baozhan competition is particularly exciting! "Gu Yan walked at the forefront and kept talking along the way.

And this group of boys and girls just like to listen to him, and they all listen to it with interest.

"A very young woman beats such a powerful foreigner, shouldn't we lose the gang boss in Longmen?" A girl asked timidly.

Hearing that someone should reconcile himself, Gu Ye became even more proud of himself. He thoroughly propagated the news of the trail he heard, with a great sense of superiority.

As if he is the organizer of this game, like a witness.

At this moment, Yun Jian is slowly following the shoulders of Zhang Shaofeng and Chen Xinyi, and is slowly walking up the hillside.

Gu Yan and others did not know that the snake lizard that was supposed to fight the "very powerful" foreigner tonight had left.

It was her replacement, Yun Jian.

Just when Yun Jian heard the words of Gu Yan and others, there was no emotional fluctuation at all. She just followed the crowd quietly and came to the mid-mountainside of Longtou Mountain.

"Here it is, here!" Zhang Shaofeng shouted excitedly.

Directly in front of the crowd, a large round stadium-like protruding circular building appeared in view.

Longmen City's Huantai Stadium and the Observation Deck are built on the mid-mountainside of Longtou Mountain.

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